At a young age, as a child, we pretend to be grown-up
Prance around in high heels much too big for our feet
Play silly games in which we impersonate the kindest of creatures is our hearts, Mothers, Fathers, Teachers
Play silly games in which we impersonate the cruelest of creatures in our heads, criminals, pirates, crooks
Little did we know as a kid, as a child, when we were all grown up as we pretended to be
We’d still be pretending, making it up as we go along, dressing up, and acting. Not self assured, still a kid in a grown-up’s body. . .
. . . Being grown-up is a child’s dream, being a child again is a grown-ups wish
Short Stories and Poems by Me
PoetryEnter at your own risk. My mind over the years is displayed in here. ((PS: even my worst ideas get put in this log because it's my back up for everything I write. I apologize for the horror if anyone is reading this))