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"You don't have to be scared," said Adam.

"Why not?"

"I've been sleeping with my nightlight unplugged for quite a while now."

Natalie laughed. "You sleep with a nightlight?"

"I used to! I was scared of the dark too, but then I remembered something."

"What?" asked Emma.

"We live close to the ground and there are angels all around us."

Both of the girls widened their eyes, and the each sparkled. "Really?!"

Adam nodded. "Angels are watching over you and they'll keep you safe, I promise."

Smiling, I slipped out and waited for Adam. When he reappeared, he said the girls were fine and had fallen asleep.

"Thank you so much, for all this. Opening your home, and helping us, and everything else."

Adam handed me a blanket and pillow. "It's no problem, but let me ask again. Are you sure you're okay on the couch? I really don't mind-"

"Adam, I'll be fine. Really."

"Okay. If you insist."

We exchanged good nights and I laid down on the couch, smiling at the ceiling. I'm not even sure why. This whole experience was crazy and quite possibly just a dream. I did try pinching myself but I didn't wake up. Maybe this is real. It's hard to believe, but maybe so.


The next morning I awoke with the sun in my face. Sitting up, I almost forgot where I was, but it all came flooding back when Adam poked his head in the living room.

"Morning. Sleep well?"

"Yes. Very well, thanks for asking."

He smiled. "Want some breakfast?"

Now sitting on the edge of the couch, I stood up and walked over to him. "Sure." I walked all the way into the kitchen to see Emma and Natalie already eating.

"Good morning Annika!" chirped Emma.

"Morning girls. Sleep well?"

"Yeah!" Natalie squeaked. "I had a dream about all of us!"

"You didn't tell me that!" said Adam, acting like he was hurt.

"Well, we were all picking acorns under a big oak tree!"

"Sounds like fun," I said, taking my pancakes from Adam and thanking him. "I had a dream too. I dreamt that I magically appeared in a forest and met a guy who drives a DeLorean. Then I woke up and realised that it wasn't a dream."

Adam laughed. "Well, you know what they say. Dreams don't turn to dust!"

"I guess they don't."

Natalie and Emma hopped off their chairs and took their plates to Adam. They scurried off to go play for a little while before we left on our road trip. I finished my breakfast not long after, and walked over to the sink where Adam was washing the dishes.

"What scent is the dish soap? It smells great."

"Um, I think it's twinkleberry"

"What's a twinkleberry?"

Adam raised his eyebrows. "You never had a twinkleberry?"

"No? I've never even heard of them!"

"I keep forgetting you're from Earth."

"Okay... Well, I was wondering where the clothes store is? And do they take US dollars?"

"Don't worry about the money. Just tell the cashier to put it on Mayor Young's tab. And directions? Go out the driveway, make a left, left, right, left, right, right, left, right, left, left, and right."

My eyes widened. "I'm gonna need you to write that down."

"I'm kidding. It's just two lefts and one right after you go out the driveway."

The plate I was holding slipped out of my hand and splashed into the soapy sink water, spraying bubbles all over Adam and I. He looked at me with a large bubble sitting on his nose. I popped it and said "Thanks Chip."

Grabbing the keys off the counter, I bolted out the front door, laughing my head off. The least thing I heard was "I'm gonna get you!"

I got into the DeLorean, reviewed the directions in my head and started the engine. After pulling out of the driveway, I drove for a bit and made my first left turn. Not long after was the second left and the one right. Pulling into a vacant parking place, I cut the engine, and walked into the store.

"Welcome to Clothes Galore, let me know if you need any help," said the woman behind the counter. I thanked her and started browsing. I found two pairs of skinny jeans that were my size, so I grabbed those. There was a 'I heart Owl City' shirt (like the 'I heart NY' ones), so I grabbed that as a souvenir. I picked two other shirts (one was a pastel teal colour, and the other was black), a nice, large backpack, and lastly a cute pastel yellow dress with small pink flowers. It had a fitted bodice and flowy skirt. I took the items to the cashier, and she rung them up.

"That'll be 37 OC dollars."

"Just put it on Mayor Young's tab, please."

"Excuse me?"

"I said, please put it on Mayor Young's tab."

"I heard you the first time, but you don't look like Mayor Young."

"Just call him. He said I could put my purchases on his tab."


The cashier put it on Adam's tab, but was giving me a weird look the whole time. I thanked her and took my things. As I was leaving, I saw a donation box for gently used clothing, shoes, and accessories for a local thrift store.

When I climbed back into the DeLorean, I dumped all the contents of my purse on the seat and organised them, along with the clothes, in my backpack. I ran my purse back inside and dropped it in the bin.

Ten minutes later, the DeLorean was sitting in the driveway and I was walking through the front door of Adam's house.

"I'm back!"

"Good," said Adam, who was carrying a duffle bag. "We're ready to leave."

Emma and Natalie appeared beside Adam, Emma holding a small version of the duffle bag that Adam had, and Natalie holding a small stuffed owl.

"Are you ready?" asked Adam.

I nodded, and we walked outside, but not to the DeLorean. Instead, Adam walked over to the pond and motioned for us to join him.

A Place Where All Things Are Bright and Beautiful (Owl City/Adam Young Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now