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Adam pulled into the driveway of a cute yellow house. It had white windows and a brown roof.

"Emma, Natalie? C'mon, we're here!"

The two girls, who had begun to doze off, suddenly opened their eyes.

"Really? Yay!" said Emma.

We all got out of the car, with our luggage in tow, and headed inside. We were all so tired we didn't bother eating anything. We just went straight to bed.


Morning came sooner than I would've liked, but at least I got to sleep for the time I had. Adam went into town for gas and other supplies while I stayed behind with the girls.

I had taken a shower, washed all our clothes, and was currently preparing breakfast (aka cereal) for the girls and I.

"Did you hear that?" I asked, sitting the cereal box on the counter in front of me.

The girls nodded. "It sounded like thunder," said Emma.

I walked through the kitchen and into the living room. The room, once bright, was now dark and grey. I opened the front door and saw a large storm cloud headed our way. The wind began to pick up and suddenly a bolt of lightning struck the ground not too far from the house. I immediately closed the door and wished I had a way to reach Adam.

"C'mon girls, lets go downstairs for a while."

"Is something wrong?" asked Natalie.

"No," I reassured. "It's just a little thunderstorm. I just want to be safe."

I opened the door to the basement and flipped on the lights. We all climbed down the stairs and sat in some chairs that were already there.

The basement was nice. A small keyboard sat in one corner, along with a old microphone and guitar. I wondered if it was Adam's.

Adam. I was worried about him. I hope he made it back safe.

Five had minutes passed, then ten. Thunder clashed and the lights flickered. I was worried sick until I heard a faint noise of what sounded like the front door opening. I hoped it was Adam and not just the wind.

"Stay here, I'll be right back."

The girls didn't reply, but I ran up the stairs and into the hallway, closing the basement door behind me. The storm had finally passed, but I saw a familiar figure leaning against the front door.


"Mmhm," he groaned. When he finally looked up, I gasped.

"Adam, what happened? Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine... I was coming out of the gas station when the wind started to pick up. Debris was flying and something hit me."

I stared at the bloody gash on his face. "Come on, let me clean you up."

He followed me into the bathroom where I dabbed a damp washcloth on his cleanly shaven face.

"I-I was so worried..."

He smiled softly. "You don't have to worry about me. I'm just some random dude from another universe."

"No, you're not," I corrected. "You're... you're my friend. And I care about you. A lot."

"Thank you, Annika."

Silence fell as I switched out the cloth for a butterfly closure. I tenderly patched up the wound and took a step back. I didn't realise I was standing so close to him.

I smiled. "There. All fixed up."

"Thank you, again."

"No problem," I replied.

"The storm passed, so it's safe to get back on the road. The airport is only around an hour away."

"I'll pack the car, you get the girls."

Adam sent me a puzzled look. "Where are they?"

"I took them down to the basement. I didn't know how bad the storm was gonna get."

Adam chuckled and walked off, leaving me to gather our duffle bags and pack them in the DeLorean. By the time I was done, Adam and the girls were ready to go.

We all climbed into the car (again) and took off down the road. I opened the window and let the cool breeze flow through the car. It felt so nice I began to sing.

"Oh telescope, keep an eye on my only hope!"

Adam chuckled and we began to sing together.

"Lest I blink and get swept off the narrow road!"

We were all having such a good time that I forgot Adam was driving, and I think he did too. The car began to swerve.

"ADAM!" I screamed. "ADAM, WATCH OUT!"

I heard screeching and screaming, but before I knew it, darkness surrounded me.

A Place Where All Things Are Bright and Beautiful (Owl City/Adam Young Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now