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Jasper x gem (reader)

--Takes place during jailbreak, all of Steven universe belongs to their respective owners and creators--

Slumped over and in pain you clutched your side, currently you were imprisoned in a cell heading to homeworld this being the fact that you were peridots manager that had gotten injured by jasper on accident when she had swung the gem destabilizer...

Honestly the two of you had a odd 'relationship' this being the fact that she seemed to not want anything to do with you and well you couldn't really say the same due to the fact that you of all gems had grown a crush towards the orange quartz. A few moments later Jaspers heavy footsteps echoed through the halls along with peridots even and light steps.

J-"Has (gem name) woken up yet?"

P-"I am not sure jasper...but trust me I brought you here to not waste your time, surely by now she will be back..."

J-"Peridot I trust your to see (gem name)..."

Jasper came into view then peridot, you looked up and saw their usually stances...the quartz standing tall and with folded arms while peridot had a more relaxed stance and loose limbs...jasper looked you up and down then spoke out in her usual tone....

J-"(gem name), I apologize for inflicting damage to you, in turn I do not expect for you to accept this response."

This was strange for jasper to apologize in fact she never did this shocked you to your core knowing that the Quartz had just in fact apologized for something she shook your head then looked up to jasper meeting eye spoke out in a shy tone.

"Jasper I accept your apology.........I do not blame you for the weapon incident the fact being that you clearly had no intention of striking me when you swung your weapon at the fusion."

Jasper furrowed her brows then looked at peridot whom had a smug expression, with one wave of her hand she sent peridot away only to unlock the cell and walk in...she kneeled down to your weak form gently removing your hand from your side...

In response you blushed slightly in embarrassment as jasper touched your hand, she looked at your side carefully then up to your eyes. She let out a small grunt as she rolled her eyes.

J-" I have to report an injury...."

The sweet moment turned sour as you watched her soft expression turn cold and recoiled and slid into a corner, the orange gem had snapped her eyes to you, in that moment you saw her come close...

She seemed extremely agitated until she crashed her lips into yours, you yelped and jumped slightly surprised of this action and the fact that she was kissing you and feeling up your sides... You tried shaking her off but you had succumb to her actions returning the kiss. Her large palm went to your cheek as she gently held your face while moving her lips. Your arms fell to the sides as she then wrapped her free arm around your waist pulling you into her.

You felt light headed and had the feeling of butterflies in your stomach due to the pure shock and excitement that was happening due to the pure unexpected action performed by the muscular orange gem. To your shock jasper leaned back leaving your lips, she stood up and at the moment you spoke out in confusion....

"W-why did you do that?" You questioned blushing and stuttering looking at her beautifully terrifying tiger like eyes...she had stood up then looked down to you her voice was stern...

J-"I know you may not understand but neither do...suddenly I had these overwhelming urges to kiss you for several months well nearly everyday I had these urges but never had I gone through with them until today..."

You-"Y-you did?"

J-"Yes you brat...tch..."

Jasper looked away in embarrassment then back, she breathed out then looked at you her expression softening...

J-"I have feelings for you...."

And with that you bit your lip and responded back...


(Best cliff hanger ever lol)

Jasper x Gem readerWhere stories live. Discover now