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I woke up wrapped in a blanket, Jacobs hot body wrapped around mine. The sunlight was shining down on us, temporarily blinding me. I leaned into Jacob, and breathed in the comforting scent. Once I decided that I was hungry, I tried shoving Jacob off of me. But he was glued onto my side. I pushed harder and he let out a soft groan. 

"Jake I'm hungry." He rolled over onto me, and my breath was knocked out of me. 

"Jake!" I hissed. He let out a laugh, and rolled off of me, sitting up and cursing when the sun shone directly into his eyes. 

"That's what you get." He layed back down, and grabbed me around the waist pulling me back down to him. He placed his face in the crook of my neck and his warm breath made goosbumps rise on my skin, I shivered slightly and he chuckled deeply, his morning voice deeper than usual. 

"What do you want for breakfast?" He murmered against my skin, his soft lips dragging across my skin. Jake was very affectionate in the morning. I struggled to find my voice, his lips were distracting me. 

"I dont know." I breathed. He pulled away and planted a kiss on my foread. 

"Lets go to your house, and you can cook. I can help, but I dont know much about cooking. Emily cooks for all of us."

"Sounds good." 


We drove to my house, and to my suprise Charlies cruiser was not in the driveway, already at work. 

Once we were inside the house, I decided I needed a shower. I tossed him the T.V. remote and laughed when it hit him in the gut.

"Wait down here while I go take a shower."

"Can I join?" He asked with a smirk. I just laughed and walked upstairs, grabbing my clothes and heading into the bathroom. Once I was standing in the shower, alone with my thoughts I really started thinking. I never really thought about sleeping with Jake, I mean when we were in the moment it was hard not to think about it, but it wasn't something that constantly crossed my mind. I loved Jacob, and he loved me, maybe we were too busy loving eachother to think about anything else. 

I quickly got dressed and headed downstairs, finding Jake scrolling through the T.V. channels, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. I walked up behind him, and snaked my arms around his shoulders, planting a kiss on his cheek. He turned and pecked me on the lips and I grinned, he never failed to fill my stomach with butterflies. 

"Now what do you want to eat for breakfast?" 

"Spaghetti." He replied with no hesitation.

"For breakfast?" 

"Why not?"

"Ok then..."  I walked over to the kitchen and pulled out a pan, putting the sauce in and placed it on the stove. Then I pulled out a larger pan and filled it with water, placing it on the stove for the water to heat up a little before I added the pasta. I reached for the top cabinet, but failed to reach it, even on my tiptoes I was too short. I turned to ask Jake and his body was already behind me. He looked down at me and grinned. 


"Hey." He leaned down and placed his lips on mine, and my heart automatically sped up. His hands gripped my waist firmly and I realxed in his embrace. He continued kissing me softly, then pulled away and looked at me. His gaze was intense.

"What?" I whispered.

"I love you Bella, I love you so much. Everytime I see you, my love for you grows deeper. It doesn't seem possible for me to love you anymore, but everytime I lay my eyes on you..." He trails off and leans his head against mine. I smile and lean up to kiss his lips. He laughs and then pulls me into his arms. 

" When did I get so lucky?" After kissing me some more, he finally lets me get back to cooking for him. 
When the food is ready, I set it on some plates and Jake and I have dinner for breakfast.


I wash the dishes while Jake stands behind me messing around with my hair.

"What are you doing?"

"Shhh... I'm braiding."  I laugh softly while his fingers move in my hair. Once I finish cleaning the last dish, we decide to watch a movie. I threw a random movie in the DVD player and turned towards Jake, He lied down on the couch and motioned for me to join him, I crawled in between his legs and let my head rest against his chest. He wrapped his hands around my waist and his chest rose up and down softly, a slow comforting feeling. He began to skim his lips against my neck and I sighed, I could never get enough of Jake, he was all that was ever on my mind. It drove me crazy whenever he wasn't near me. A shiver went through me and I felt his chest shake softly with a laugh. I leaned into him and he went back to watching the movie, the next thing I knew I was being lifted off of the couch and into someone's arms. I smelt the familiar scent and knew it was Jake. I leaned into his chest as he carried me and he huffed in annoyance.

"Why don't you just walk to your bed Bells? I know your awake."

"I want you to carry me." I murmured against his chest.

He cradled me in his arms as he carried me up the stairs and into my room. I heard the door shut quietly behind us. He laid me down and I opened my eyes to find him walking away. I grabbed his hand before he got to far away.

"Where are you going?" I ask, sleep still clouding my head.

"I have to go Bells."

"Please stay Jake." His eyes grew dark, and he walked over to me, pulling off his shirt and jeans. I could feel the small blush creep onto my cheeks. He climbed underneath the blanket and pulled me close, my body cuddled close to him. His warmness making me even more tired than I already was.

"I love you Bells." He murmered before his soft snores filled the room.

"I love you more." I whispered before falling asleep next to him.


This chapter was pretty short, and boring, I know. But I just want to have some cute little moments between them before... Stuff starts going down. 

Either way, I hope you guys like the chapter, even though it was short. I have been trying to calm things after all of the action, but dont worry things will heat up soon. 

Love you all! 

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