Let The Plotting Begin!

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It was time. Weeks passed quickly after the Cafe meet and to say Shadow was nervous would be an understatement. He was currently waiting at the airport for G18's flight having deciding he needed his 'plan brother' with him when he met up with the rest of the Crew.  He kept himself occupied, checking his messages and Twitter every so often, whilst sitting in a Starbucks.  He was worrying, still having thoughts about this plan. 

But Shadow had to say, he had faith in G18, the man seemed to know what he was doing. And hey, what's the worst that could happen right? You win some, you loose some. Shadow checked his phone for what felt like the 100th time when someone tapped him on his shoulder. He turned to see the grinning face of G18 and he smiled back, getting to his feet to greet his friend.

"Hey G." Shadow welcome, giving G18 a friendly pat on the back, "How was the flight?"

"Hi Shed. Yeah the flight was good. Yours?" He asked as they made their way to the airport exit. They made comfortable conversation as they hailed a taxi. As the car approached their destination, Shadows nerves spiked up again. His fingers tapped restlessly on his knees. 

"Calm down Shadow, everything is going to be ok. Trust me. We are going to do this together." G18 reassured, giving Shadow a smile. Shadow felt automatically at ease. He trusted G18 with anything. They could do this. He could do this. The taxi pulled up at the hotel they were all going to be staying at, Shadow leaning over the front seat to pay the driver as G18 pulled their cases out the trunk.

Grabbing their own suitcases, Shadow and G18 entered the building, looking around the foyer. They heard a distinct laugh and turned to each other smirking. Deluxe. They followed the laughter to find their group of friends, looking happy and chatting animatedly. They stopped just outside the group and waited to see who would notice them first and did not have to wait long.

"SHADOW! G18! 'SUP FELLERS!" D4 yelled, bounding over to the two of them and enveloping them in a hug. "How's ya fellers doin'?" At this point, the others had made their way over, greeting the new arrivals with glee. Shadow gazed around his group, noticing the absence of a crew member.

"So, where's Side?" he asked, slightly confused. He was sure Side was supposed to have flown in yesterday to meet up with Speedy earlier. He turned to Speedy, looking at him questioningly.

"Oh, he's running a bit late. Said he had a surprise for us or something. He should be here in an hour or so." Speedy answered. "Now guys, lets go settle back down, relax, have a few drinks and just have fun!" He even fist pumped for emphasis, getting a chorus of cheers from the group. They all trailed after their 'leader'.

"Go ahead guys, me and Shadow will get first rounds in!" G18 called after them before dragging the other man towards the bar.


G18 quickly put in the order before turning to Shadow. He was already buzzing and he hadn't even drunk anything yet. He wasn't even fazed with the fact that right now, Speedy was sitting with his girlfriend on his lap. 

"This is gonna be a good week Shadow, I can feel it! and before you say anything about not drinking, you are! Let your hair down Shed and lets have some fun! Just think of how relaxed you'll be when side turns up." G18 spoke hurriedly to Shadow, the excitement audible in his voice.

 Shadow had to stifle his laughter at his friend antics. He looked happy and he wasn't going to bring G18 down.  When the drinks were placed on the counter, along with 2 shots, <i> sneaky bastard G </i>, he grabbed the small glass and downed its contents.

"Let's go have fun then!" he grinned to G18 taking a few drinks and heading back to the group. Joel and Megan met them half way so they could receive the other 2 trays of drinks. when they had finally settled down with the others, they joined in the conversation easily.

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