excuses » steve

57 1 0

word count: 2340
song: -
warning: fluff and cheesiness
and crushes and overprotective
brothers, yay!

p.s. dont laugh at the title,
only i can do that. but seriously,


"Tony," You started, poking the tin man repeatedly. He doesn't seem to tolerate you, instead, he kept his gaze at the training room, where the rest of the Avengers were training.

Your eyes landed on Steve, who was sweating, but you don't seem to mind- who would, right? You kept your eyes focused on him until he looks at you and smiles. Immediately, you looked away, facing Tony.

"Tony..." You cooed, trying to get his attention. At this point you don't seem to care if he gets pissed because you had to tell him something important. And by important you meant the Super Soldier.

"If it's about Steve again, Y/N, I swear to god, I'm gonna tell him." He glared, looking annoyed.

Recently, you've developed a weird, tingling sensation whenever you were around Steve. So your older brother, Tony Stark, concluded that you like him; which you completely disagree with.

"Awe, please don't!" You pleaded. It would be the worst nightmare if he ever did. All you could imagine is how red your face would be if you were around him or worse, he won't talk to you ever again. "Promise me you won't tell Cap!"

"Tell me what?" A deep voice asked, making your head snap at the entrance of the training room. It was Steve, leaning against the doorframe, drinking a bottle of water while looking intently at you with his gorgeous, baby blue eyes.

Your mouth was open, but you couldn't say anything. Hopefully, your brother would save you now. "I-I..." You started, mentally facepalming yourself.

"Well she had a funny insult about you that she didn't want me to tell." Tony finally said, breaking the awkward silence. He nudged you at the side, making you look away from the hot guy that was in front of you. Excuses, excuses, excuses.

"Yeah, sorry..." You looked down, blushing like a tomato. Looking up, you saw Steve walking to you, making you widen your eyes. Oh my, oh my.

"Hey, Y/N, it's okay. Don't worry, I'm used to it. Maybe you can tell me later." He smiled, ruffling your hair like a child.

"Y-yeah, sure... Excuse me for a moment." You stuttered, standing up. Looking at Tony, your saw him mutter a 'you owe me' while making a silly face. You couldn't help but blush.

Once you escaped from the horrifying moment in the training room, you headed to the living room. You decided to watch a movie, particularly Mean Girls.

30 minutes through the movie, you felt the sofa sink beside you. By this time, you were curled up in a ball, a blanket covering you while you ate a bowl of popcorn. Gazing at your side, you saw Steve, looking good, as usual, though his clothes were different and he had a confused look.

"So, this is the movie Tony was talking about, huh?" He asked, watching curiously. You just smiled and felt a little embarrassed. But he had this friendly aura that you never noticed, which kept you from blushing like a tomato. "Mean Girls, right?"

"Yeah, it's quite funny..." You chuckled lightly, keeping your eyes on him. He looks so adorable.

"So, I can sit with you, right?" He joked, trying to quote the movie and looking at you.

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