Worse Comes to Worst

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*At the Hospital*

" Dr. Choi... how's the result? "

Siwon just stood there not giving any answer. He seem to be so shocked, until it hit him.

"David... Yuri is a definite candidate for our clinical trial..."

"that's... not good is it?"

"no... not at this stage... i am not confident our project can help her..."

"it's that bad?"

The poor doctor was devastated... he did not answer the last question and left the hallway walking like a dead man.


Yuri sat silently at the the corner where she watched Jessica cry her heart out... she remembered that day clearly, how her heart ache watching the blond grieve for her broken heart. Jessica held a special place in Yuri's heart right from the start, she was a stranger, an unknown soul who seemed to capture her interest. 

While Yuri was lost in her thoughts, she felt a sudden jolt of of pain in her head. It gets so unbearable but when she reached on her bag for her medicines she blacked out, luckily Taeyeon was there to help her. 

*At the hospital*

Yuri stirred in her sleep and once again found herself lying on a familiar bed. Just recently she has been lying on these sheets with both her heart and body broken by the unfortunate events. She was still lost in her thoughts when she heard Taeyeon open the door.

"Yuri.. are you okay now?"

"Yes.. maybe I lack some sleep that's all.. Don't worry too much Taeng..."

"But you passed-out and it seems like you were in so much pain.. are you sure you're okay?"

"yup.. I'm perfectly fine.. let's go home now okay.. before my mom knows about this.."

"why Yul? they should know right.. I mean we didn't tell them about the accident last time.."

"I don't to be disappointed Taeng.. you and I know that they won't come.. They'll just send me a couple things and a basket of flowers.. then they'll go on with their lives..."

Little did Yuri know that Jessica was at the door during that conversation. The blonde felt so sad and more guilty upon hearing Yuri's silent lament. She has known Yuri as the dorky one, the one who would always play around with kids and hang out with random people at the park.


She struggled enough, her pain was unbearable yet she was able to smile and make people laugh like that. I was wrong, i was so wrong. I need to do something about this, she was so nice to me and all I did was to hurt her and make her feel unworthy.. I love her... She has to know that.

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