Another Chance

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*ring ring ring


Hello.. ahm.. Yuri it's me.. Jessica.. Can we talk?

Sure.. meet me at the park near the University.

*At the Park*

Yuri was patiently waiting for Jessica at the park. She wasn't exactly hoping for a second chance, a chance to be with her or tell her how much she means to her. She sat there quietly waiting for a proper closure from the girl she truly adores.

After a few more minutes of waiting, Jessica came with two ice cream cones. She slowly approached the figure in front of her, Jessica can't help but notice how much weight Yuri lost. The once athletic girl who used to lecture her on eating healthy, has now become so skinny.

She called out to the girl and handed her one ice cream.


Hey, thanks.. So what did you want to talk about?

Yuri.. I just want to say that I'm sorry.. I never should've treated you that way..

It's okay.. Just forget it.. you don't have to apologize..

And Yuri.. I... I...


I love you.......

Yuri didn't answer, she was confused. The girl she loves is now telling her that she loves her too.

Yuri... are you okay?

Are you serious?

Yes, I know I did things.. bad things.. but I realized how much you mean to me.

Yuri hugged her tight. No words were needed during that time. The new couple spent the rest of the day together, making up for the lost moments. Everyone can tell how happy the two young girls are.

On their way home, Jessica kept staring at Yuri while the latter tell her stories about her childhood - most of them are sad - but she doesn't care. All she care about now is that they are together.

Sica-ya... don't leave me please..

I won't Yuri.. Never...

When they reached Jessica's apartment both of them said the sweetest goodbye's, knowing that tomorrow will be another day together.

When Yuri woke up there was a big smile on her face, then she remembered that she still have to go at the hospital to meet Dr. Choi. She went down to prepare breakfast, Taeyeon who hasn't seen her jolly friend in a while was so surprised. But she is glad to see Yuri back in her old self.

*At the Hospital*

Dr. Choi...

Oh.. Yuri-ah.. Come in..

Doc, why did you set an appointment with me? I mean I'm doing fine now, just occasional headaches..

Yuri.. here..

He handed films of Yuri's CT scans, and the young girl was confused..

Yuri.. based on the result of your CT scan and lab test, have confirmed that you have a rare condition that caused the headaches.

What condition? is it bad?

You have a brain tumor...

Tumor? well it can't be that bad.. operation.. how about an operation?

we can't do that Yuri.. your tumor is well settled deep between your brain.. any surgery can lead to paralysis or even death..

If you don't operate on me to remove the tumor, what will happen?



You will slowly lose control of your motor skills, you wont be able to move normally, then goes your sense of sight, and eventually death. On the progress of your condition, the headaches will be more severe.

You can do something right? I can't die now.. I... I...

That's why I called you here Yuri.. we have an ongoing clinical trial.. It's not 100% effective but we can at least try this method..


Since we cannot operate on the tumor, we will be injecting an anti-tumor drug that we have been developing for two years now. The drug will shrink the tumor until its all gone.

what will happen if it failed? are we going to try again?

No.. If you happen to reject the drug during the procedure, your brain will swell and you will die..

how many patients have lived with this procedure?

If you live... you'll be the FIRST...

Dr. Choi's words kept repeating on Yuri's mind as she kept running to the only person who can calm her down right now, Jessica Jung.

*knock knock knock



Yuri hugged Jessica as tight as she could and poured out all of her bottled emotions. Jessica, though confused, hugged her weeping girlfriend and tried to calm her down.

What happened Yuri?

Yuri explained the situation to Jessica. The latter tried to be stronger for the younger girl and convinced her to try the medication.

Yuri, we have to take this chance before your condition gets worse okay?

Sica-ah, I could die right there if I reject the drug..

Then.. then.. let's prepare for this okay...?


make a list of all the things that you want to do and we'll do everything before the operation..


We'll do it together.. then you'll be ready for the operation.. no regrets Yuri....


I love you Kwon Yuri.. don't die....!!!!!

I won't Sica.. I will never leave you...



Now go and make that list...

A few minutes later, Jessica checked on Yuri. She was already sleeping, holding the list she made. Jessica let's go of her soft sobs, the situation is breaking her heart but she has to be strong for both of them she has to be Yuri's fortress.

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