chapter TwO

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(MaI's POV)

Well u see i am not the most liked girl in the 8th grade. Well i dont get bullied but i dont have a lot of friends.Mosly b/c of my temp. i dont like to talk . So peolpe think i am the nice quite nerd .SO when they ask me to do there homework or more like tell me two that pisses me off to the max.So lets just say they get a few swears. So therefor they dont like me but thats the thing i dont give a shit.

(At my house and my innerself)

But the girl thats hates me the most is my moms sisters liile girl which is my age.Therefor at my house EVERYDAY. But of couse my mom and dad and bro love her so i get put down. So me and my bad temp. have to leave so i dont lose control and gods knows what will happend so i leave i mean its not like they care anyway. they make me give my room,bed to her just to say she makes it a dump when she leaves. But o well i cant do anything about it. Right so i leave of corse my only friends are the evil spirts so i have no where to stay so i go to the woods i mean what am i suppost to be scared of i already have to deal with "my friends". So i say" fuck it" all thats out kill me i dont care. But all i do when i go to the woods is talk to" my friends" and my inner self. I know it s not good to talk to it but as i say "fuck it". So i do. But its  not all that bad i like the storys 'it' tells me when i talk to it well i say they are storys "it" says they are things that i should do to that ungreatful bitch amy.(O thats her name)but i kinda like to hear those terriable things happen to her it calmes me.And BAM i open my eyes i have a gun in my hand pointed to amys head it just took control.                                      

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