Chatper ThReE

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(MaI's POV)

"SHIT" i thought right now i cant move.Of corse  now the bitch decides she has to take a piss.All i hear nexet is a blood curling sceam. God its just a gun pointed at your head.'SHUT THE FUCK UP" or i will fucking shoot.'I said in  a harsh wisper while glaring at her. And of corse here come the water works from the bitch.So i did the only think i could think i mean I KNOW she is going to tell. SO i bring her in the woods i mean god forbit me getting this bitch's blood splattered all over my bed and room.But i dont  want to kill her just yett. I have other things in mind.

(AmY's POV BeFOrE sHe Is TaKeN)

O i love going my little friends house.My dear Mai. I love how everybodys loves me there.NOT i fucking hate it there.That  little ugly bitch keeps on giving me fucking glares how i fucking wish i could just rip her eyeballes out.I never ever liked her but i always new i had the upperhand bc i have the blond hair pale white skin blueblue glassy eyes. i always knew they liked me better so i did what i had to do i always used it against her. I really dont know why i hate her i just do. I know i can always put her ass in place if she gets out of place. But i know something is off about her today she seems uneasy. It kind of gives me the chills like I'M GOING TO GET HURT' but like that will ever happen but i am  still kinda of scared thats why i locked to the door before i went to sleep. Then in the middle of night i could feel it something is watching me and I KNOW IT IS HER I JUST KNOW IT but i am little scared to open eyes.But i do it anyway i just cant help myself. When i open my eyes i dont think i just screm but stop shortly after hearing Mai talk. I am scared shitless right now so of corse i will anything she tells me to RIGHT NOW  so when she says "get the fuck up" i get the fuck up .Not knowing whatsin store for  me. Just following her deeper and deeper in the woods.

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