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She was rubbing my back and my crying was dying down. I sat up and looked at her. She had the most beautiful eyes. Wow.

  "Sky..." She  nodded and smiled.

  "Yes?" Okay, im gonna tell her. Im going to just, say it.

  "Skylar.. Jack he uh...he-"

  "Hush hush class, class Is starting." I closed me mouth and looked away. The rest of class went by with Skylar trying to get me to tell her what was wrong. But I wasn't going to tell her. Not yet. I wasn't even sure what I would say. I would need time to think about what I would say. Class ended and Skylar grabbed my hand as I started walking away but I slipped my hand away from hers and I went to my next class, history. I walked in and looked around. Nobody I knew had this class with me. Thank god. Finally a class that I would be able to think in. I sat down and laid my head down on the desk because I had a  headache.  I closed my eyes, and before I knew it I was sleeping.

  Suddenly a loud bell rang making me jolt out of my seat. I looked around, confused to where I was. I saw people shuffling out if the room. So I grabbed my things and walked out of the classroom. Where am I supposed to go? Oh yea.. lunch. I started to fond my way to the cafeteria but someone grabbed me by the waist and spun me around.

  "Hey baby." Jack said with an evil smirk. I gave him a fake smile then tried walking away but he didn't let me go. "So...turns out I coudn't get my lunch changed but at least we still have a few classes together. And even if we don't have lunch together we can still skip class together and something." I cringed and pulled away and walked away as quick as I could. I made it into the cafeteria safely without Jack bothering me. I looked around for Skylar since she had this lunch. Maybe she got her lunch changed...

  "Saffire!" Skylar said and she grabbed my shoulders from behind making me jump.

  "Oh hey, you scared me." I laughed and we started walking to a table. She was going to sit at a table that had people already siting at it but I didn't want to sit with anybody else. So I tugged on her shirt and whispered to her.

  "Can we sit at an empty table?" I asked shyly. She smiled and nodded then walked to an empty table. We sat down and Sky got out some food that she had.

  "Saffire, will you please tell me what's going on? I can tell something has been bothering you and you've almost told me twice but something has interrupted you both times. And Saffire I only want to help but I cant help you if you wont tell me what's going on" I sighed and looked at the ground.  

  "Skylar...Jack, has been...hurting me. He hits me, and forces me to kiss him in front of people. My dad thinks he's amazing but he really isn't. And I cant do anything about it because he said he would hurt me of I told anyone, that's why I was scared to tell you. But another reason I was scared to tell you was because when I kissed you you just ran off and then you kissed Breck and I was just really jealous and I didn't know what was going on because I really like you  and I though t you were feeling the same so just when you kissed him I-" Suddenly Sky grabbed my face she pressed her lips onto mine. I sat there, stunned and totally shocked. Should I kiss her back or...or....? She slowly brought me closer to her. She had one hand on my leg and one hand was on my shoulder slowly moving up. Her hand soon made it to my head and she had her fingers entangled in my hair. I brought my shaky hands up to the side of her face and tried getting closer to her but it was hard. Our legs were wrapped around each others, our hands were in our hair and our lips were dancing like they had this dance memorized since the first day they met. Finally everything calmed down and I smiled parting the kiss. I felt her lips curl into a smile too which made me smile even more. I cant believe this just happened. I cant believe she just kissed me.

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