I dont like you

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Miles walked me to the car with his arm around my waist. It felt weird... Like...I know he's being a good friend but...he was getting a little close.

"Have you had anything to drink?" i said as we got to the car.

"I had a few drinks but i think i can drive." he started to open the driver door but i stopped him.

"I havn't had anything to drink so... i think i should drive." I pushed him out of the way and opened the door getting in. He shrugged then went to the other side and got in.

  "So is it alright if i still crash at your house?" miles said as he handed me the keys. I Looked at him, smiled, then nodded yes. I started the car and reached down to switch gears, then i realized Miles' hand was on the shift. I let my hand rest on his for a moment till he looked at me. Then i  took my hand away quickly and placed it back on the steering wheel. Then I realized how awkward that was.... I could see him looking at me from the corner of my eye and i smiled a fake smile because I didn't want to hurt him. He smiled back then put his hand back on the gear. Ugh...i dont like this at all....When we got on the main road i sped up and started to go 60. I slowed down as there got more traffic.

  "So my dad will probably be sleeping and he will leave early in the morning so..." I looked over at Miles who was staring out the window. I always wonder what he is thinking. He is quiet allot...but he could be very talkative sometimes too.

  "I can sleep wherever. Ill be fine anywhere." He turned to look at me. I kept focused on the road because I felt weird at the moment.

  "ok...well were here so..." I stopped the car and took the key out. We climbed into the window trying not to make a bunch of noise. He sat on my bed and looked at the pile of pillows underneath my covers.

"So this is supposed to look like you?" He smiled.

"Ya...i guess so...do you want anything to change into?" I turned around with a handful of blankets.

"Oh...don't worry ill be fine."

  "Ok well I'm going to go change in the bathroom..." i walked to the bathroom leaving him alone in the room. I came back a few minutes later and opened my door only to find Miles standing in the middle of my room shirtless. I stopped and put my things down then averted my eyes away from him.

  "Oh is ...it ok if i wear this to bed?"

  "Ya that's...uh....fine." I said because I didn't want to sound weird telling him to put a damn shirt on.

  "Hey don't be so nervous, I just don't have a shirt on."

  "Oh...yea..." I said and tried to act less awkward.

  "Ok then... Ill let you have the bed." He smiled and started walking toward the small bed on the floor he had made.

  "Wait...no you can have the bed... you are the guest." I said. He nodded then sat on the bed while i sat down on the blanket covered floor.

  "Goodnight" he said as he laid down.

  "Nite." I rested my head on the uncomfortable floor. The floor was cold. Colder than it usually was. I shivered then readjusted.

  "Are you uncomfortable?" I could hear Miles's voice say from across the room.

  "Ya i guess.."

  "You can come...lay with me..." I froze and grimaced. God I don't want to crawl into bed with my best friend. I contemplated what i should do, should i get up and go, or stay here. I didn't want to make him feel bad by saying no, plus it was really uncomfortable on the floor. I slowly got up and walked over to the bed. I could hear him move over, and when I laid down I could feel the warm spot where he was at. At first we sat there awkwardly, but then I felt a warm body press against me and arms fall over my waist, making me even more uncomfortable.

  "Comfortable now?" I lied and nodded slowly then I felt Miles hug me closer to him. We sat there for a while without speaking, and pretty soon we had both fallen asleep.

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