The Ballet

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Jenny sits on the the couch with a smile on her face.
"Oh I love the ballet! I remember when I used to be in the ballet, those were nice times." She smiles in memory.
"You were beautiful darling like everyone else!", I smile at her and she smiles back.

This was all a lie. The ballet was not beautiful because all of the dancer wore weights to make them dreadful and all the same. Some weighs were heavier because some dancers were better.
Jenny was neither good nor bad so she wore weights that were not to heavy but not light.
  The dancers also wore masks. The prettier the girl, the uglier the mask.
    The show was starting. The TV was on a fixed volume (the one everyone uses) and the curtain was rising.
  All of the dancers were petite girls with weights that very in sizes and masks that very in beauty.
   The space around the couple was filled with silence. They waited for the music to start, never taking their eyes off of the screen.
   Suddenly it started.
The many dancers moved across the stage with zero grace, but everyone seemed to enjoy it! I felt happy to know something different is happening.
   A dancer caught my eye, she had a mask uglier than anyone on the stage. She must be the most beautiful . Her weights were huge, she must be the most graceful. It's such a shame the audience could not see her true bea-BEEP- oh! The ballet is on!
    I was enjoying the ballet when it was interrupted.
    -ATTENTION EVERYONE A MAN WHO IS CONSIDERED VERY DANGEROUS HAS JUST ESCAPED CUSTODY. IF YOU HAVE SEEN THIS MAN DO NOT APPROACH HIM AND CALL THE AUTHORITIES IMMEDIATELY- an image of a tall masculine man who had an obvious scar coming from his ear. This man must have been smart because he has taken out a tech blocker. Just like the one I have. -WE ARE SORRY TO INTERRUPT YOUR PROGRAM, BACK TO IT- More words flashed on the screen and the ballet was continued.
   I could see the look of shock on Jenny's face. She almost happy about his actions, but knew it was wrong. She couldn't explain her feelings.
    I watched her face as she tried to relax.
  She was not relaxed for long before-BANG- the doors to the stage flew open and the man who was once on their television screen, had made an appearance.
      People screamed, cops were called, but this did not seem to effect him.
  He walked calmly to the girl who seemed most confident, the one with the ugliest mask.
    Silently he took off her weights and slid her mask away from her face. She was beautiful.
     Intently I watched ignoring the beeps I would hear every couple minutes.
     He took her hand and mouthed what it seems to be the words dance with me . She nodded, going along with all that he did. And just like magic the were as if floating in the air. He would spin and twirl her so magnificently. They dance for it seemed like ages, which was only 2 minutes before the cops ran in a just like that BANG BANG! The swan like motions came to a stop as the two heroes fell to the ground almost as beautifully as they had danced. Their lifeless bodies lay their dead, but for the first time happy.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2016 ⏰

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