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I lay comfortably in my bed with the covers draped over me. Warm arms wrapped protectively around my waist by my husband. It's funny,to say husband. Never in my life did I ever think I'd be married with the war with the titans and all. Heck,I never thought I'd have children either. But here I am a "mother" and "wife" in a would were titans no longer exist.

I remember the days I had to leave to fight beyond the walls,leaving my son behind. It scared me to think if anything were to happen to either of us,Asher would be taken in by his majesty to use as a weapon. Although, he promised to leave my family alone I still was wary of him. There are a few amounts of humans who'd keep there word. So I was determined to come back alive as did Levi.

I turn over to look at the handsome man whom I was lucky to have by my side. To think,the man who I looked up to although he ,at first ,seemed cold hearted,blunt, and a bit of a clean freak.I learned that deep behind that stoic mask was a caring,strong-willed and fought to protect those he cared for.

I lean closer into his embrace,I'm so lucky.

"Mama, papa. " A voice whispers through the room.

I look over my shoulder to see our son Asher, he stood in the doorway rubbing the tiredness out his eyes. It was still night ,the sun will not rise anytime soon.

"Can I sleep with you?" He asks shyly. I know he hates to admit it but he's scared of his new room.

We has recently moved out from the inner walls, deciding it was time for a new change of scenery. We live near a forest by a beautiful lake and the village is only a twenty minutes away. Levi wanted privacy from the crowd of people,which I complied. Peace is all we want after years of havoc.

Asher liked the idea of moving because he was able to play with children his age and was away from the place ment for war. But the room,though it was bigger and roomy to place his belongings. He couldn't find comfortable in it.

"Come on." Levi says in a hushed voice. Asher quickly climbs into our bed and curls in between us.

To think,Asher is seven now. Seven years ago ,I did the most impossible and I wouldn't change it for anything. Asher has inherited his looks after me and acts like his father half the time. Which my opinion is adorable. But they really don't like being told so.

I open my eyes again gaze at my purposes for living ,only to meet tired onyx orbs. Levi intertwined our fingers as they hover over our son.

"Go to sleep. "Was all he said before closing his eyes and light snores.

I smile as I follow his orders. I really am lucky,aren't I?

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