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The catacombs was eerily quiet and the air was dry. Skeleton bones and skulls littered the floors and decorated the walls. From the corner of my eye I could see my dad's fingers twitch because of how filthy the place was. I've always wondered if I'll inherit dad's OCD. Mom always said I took after dad more than him from my height to my attitude."Which isn't all bad."He'd say. Mom, I hope you're okay. I thought.

A firm yet gentle hand pats my head. Dad continues to look ahead with his signature stoic expression."You're mom is the most stubborn person I've ever met he'll be fine."

I smiled at the fondness in his voice. Yeah, mom is stubborn, I guess that's one of the traits I've gotten from mom other than his looks.

"How touching."The moment is ruined by the muffled voice a few feet ahead of us.

A figure dressed in a black cloak, the aura around him felt distorted. From where I stood I could smell the heavy scent of death lingering heavily on his skin.

"Undertaker, where is my wife and nephew you son of a bitch." Dad growls while reaching for his pistol that rested on his hip.

"Now now Ackerman don't be so hasty. We wouldn't want innocent blood to spill now would we?"The Undertaker reaches into his cloak and pulls out a struggling Marcelo.Dad quickly angles his gun away from Marcelo. The tricky bastard was using my Marcelo as a fucking shield, the coward.

"Lets make things a little interesting hmm? As you know the catacombs is vast and is a maze of beautiful bones. If you can find this little delectable one here, I'll give you a hint on where your little wifey is." A wide grin covers every inch of his face."That is if he doesn't go into labor first."At this Dad's piercing grey eyes become dark as stone with rage. He charges at the Undertaker. Before dad could reach him,with the swuft movement of his claok, the Undertaker blows out the torches that guided us through the tunnel as Marcelo's desperate cries echoes through the darkness.

Uncle Erwin lights up a torch to find no trace of the serial killer or my precious angel. Both dad and I were livid with rage. That bastard has gone too far. If its a game he wants, agame he will get.


Worry grips hold of my heart as I anxiously wait for Marcelo. Minutes has turned into hours as I sat here and waited for a sign of Marcelo or any hint of help. Deep down I felt that something had happened him, mothers intuition? Ugh, I hate being useless and being so vulnerable in a situation like this. It reminded me of when I was pregnant with Asher and I don't want history to repeat any further. I crossed my fingers that my husband will come rescue us. Usually I would hate to rely on others but if its Levi I'm fine with it. We're married, we are supposed to rely on eachother.

The heavy clomping of feet reach my ears. The dim lighting dowb here messed with my vision so I couldn't make out who was coming. I soon found out when the familiar serial killer hidden behind a dark cloak. I snarled wrapping my arms protectively around my abdomen.

"Oh no need to go feral on me now mama bear."The undertaker quips. 

He then proceeds to unlock my cell and inches towards me with a chain and hand cuffs. I wished I could just shift and run but I wouldn't risk harming my unborn child. So resentfully I allowed to be cuffed and chained.

"Awe good lil'shifter."He tries to pat my head in result almost getting his hand bitten off."Down boy, down."

The Undertaker leads me out of the cell and through the long tunnels. There were so many twists and turns that I couldn't keep track of where we were going. My feet began to ache, my body begging for rest after the hundredth turn.

Suddenly we stopped to my relief which was short lived. The undertaker kneels to the stone floor and knocks against it in rhythm. The floor then opens reveal a winding staircase.

My body is then lifted from the ground and into the arms of my capture. I frailed around but to no avail. I was too weak to fight to the creeps amusement and to my dismay. We climbed down the stairs into the darkness. I hoped and prayed that this creep didn't trip and cause us to fall.

Eventually we made it to our destination which was, guess what, another cell. But inside this particular cell was a queen size bed with freshly made sheets. A basin was placed at the head of the bed with a jar of water. Tools sat on top of a bed table, one caught my eyes, a scalpel.The bastard plans to do a c-section! Before I could protest, I found myself laided out on the bed and chains locked to the wall.

"I sent your little hubby and brat on a mission, well a challenge really." The undertaker starts. He pulls out a handkerchief from his sleeve and began wrapping it around my mouth."So you can't bite me later."He mutters." They have to find the delicate brat in order to get to you. If they don't find him in time then you and your precious child are mine."

I cursed the bastard despite it all coming in muffled mumbling. The creep on laughs as he leaves promising he'll return. When he is out of sight I relax my body against the softness of the mattress. Calm down Eren stress will on harm us more than that guy. "At least Levi is here. All of us will be home safe and sound soon." At least I hoped so.

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