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There is no doubt in my mind that this man, the Undertaker, is completely insane. The way he worships death and has no problem spreading it is amazingly terrifying. This man may be insane but he is also smart so trying to find a way to escape is starting to become difficult. We were trapped in a cell, the door tightly locked and no key in sight.

I wished I could just slip through the bars I thought looking at my large stomach. What is with me getting kidnapped while nearing my due date? Then it hit me. Glancing over to a nervous Marcelo, a plan starts to form. As much as I hate to put more pressure on this sweet little angle we needed to get out before that maniac returned.

"Marcelo, sweetie, I need you to listen very closely okay?"Marcelo crawls over to me with an eager nod. I explain to him that with his small frame he is able to slip through the bars. Once through he'll need to search for ring of keys. After that to then come back and unlock the cell door."But if anything happens run, look for a way to escape." Anything was bound to happen and I'll be damnes if my risky decisions get this precious child killed.

"I'll get you out Uncle Eren. You can count on me!" He whisperly exclaimed with a military salute.  

I smiled feeling proud of his bravery knowing he is just as scared as I am. With that I watched Marcelo squeeze his tiny thin frame through the iron bars and quietly rushed down the hall.

I lean against the cold stone walls praying to every god to protect my dear nephew.


"Don't let him down. Don't let him down. You can do this Marcelo." I chanted to myself for encouragement.

Quietly exploring the passageway I found that the walls were covered in ancient bones, mostly skulls. The empty eye sockets looked as if they were staring, watching, my every move. The bones on the floors almost seemed as if they would rejoin and start chasing after me at any moment. Just of the thought of being chased down a skeleton scent unnerving shivers down my spine.

"Focus focus."I slapped my cheeks causing them to sting.

I search for any sign of a key to help my heavily pregnant uncle out of the cell. But what can we do once he's out? He can not run as fast and that creeoy man will turn up eventually. I thought."But if anything happens run, look for a way to escape." His words ran through my mind. No, I refuse to leave my uncle behind. Uncle Eren has always took cared of when my parents were not able to. He treats me like I'm his own son. My uncle is so brave, feisty and caring. So being able to take care of him for once, despite the circumstances, made me feel a bit lighthearted.

I soon found a ajar door with a hint of sunlight peaking through the cracks. Overjoyed I slip between the door and up the steep stone stairs. There was no key in sight but knowing my Asher, he and Uncle Levi should be here any minute now. And with his insane strength of a bear I'm certain Uncle Levi will bend those iron bars to free Uncle Eren.

Suddenly once I step foot oyt into the fresh air the collar of my shirt is harshly tugged and my small frame is lifted a foot off the ground. My heart grew still at the insane chuckle that could out rival Aunt Hange.

"Well well well it seems I'm not the only one eager to see Ackerman hmm?"Sharp eyes, clear as glass squinted at me with glee.

I frail around trying to set mysekf free of his grasp. He then wraps his arms around so that I am pressed against his chest. Through the layers of fabric this man wore I could feel the muscle hidden beneath. The way he held me was in a vice grip, like a snake with prey wrapped in its coils.

"Oh yes you'll do nicely,"He mused."but I can't have you squirming about right now."At that I felt my body go limp as warm sensation spreeds across the back of my neck. Slowly my cautiousness slips away.

"Shh sleep now puppet it'll all be over soon, I assure you."With that I drown into an dark abyss  while the Undertaker's horrid laughter echoes in the background.

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