When Days Turn Dark

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Avas Pov-

"Wake up goofball"! Ava hissed and smacked the back of her brothers head.
He instantly jolted awake and glared up at her.
"We're visiting Grandma and Grandpa today, remember?"
He mumbled a curse.

Ava rolled her eyes and grabbed her bags and began out the door, going to load her luggage into the back of the car. Moments later, Aiden stumbled down the stairs and landed on his suitcase. Ava grinned, trying not to laugh.

"Come Aiden, Ava." Her mother said softly. Their mother was a strict woman, but also very gentle.

 The car sped off and before they had known it they were on the highway, and suddenly her mother turned in her seat and faced her. Her mother's Jade colored eyes met her Silvery-Blue ones. "Ava, I want to show you something.".

Ava watched closely as her mother unclasped an amulet from her neck. It appeared to be a Silver and Black crescent moon that seemed to shimmer. "What is it mother?"
"An Amulet as old as time itself my dear". Ava's eyes became glassy and wide with interest at the moon.
"It has been passed down from generation, to generation. And now I pass it down to you". She finished with a warm smile. 

Ava leaned forward and tilted her head down so that her mother could clasp the amulet around her neck. It looked so new... How could it possibly be that old? "There. Beautiful as always, inside and out".

That was the last thing Ava remembered before she heard the screams of a man (which turned out to be those of her father), the squealing of tires, and the sickening crunch of metal on metal.
She was slammed into the side of the door, and her father's seat as the car had crashed head on into a semi-truck on a thin mountain pass. 

Our car slid towards the right before slamming into the guard-rail. I look out the window to my left, hearing the metal groan deeply.

 Without thinking, I wrapped myself around my younger brother, keeping him safe.

I felt us rock one last time, before we plunged into the deep ravine below.
I winced as the hunk of metal fell ungracefully through the air and suddenly landed on a massive branch, which plunged through the Windshield. I gritted my teeth in pain as glass sprayed everywhere, some shrapnel and flecks of glass lodging and worming its was into my body.

But it didn't matter, Because Aiden would be safe. Metal flung around and slammed into me, but I held onto my brother tightly.
We hit the ground, and all was still.
I opened my eyes, and peeked around before climbing on my hands and knees over glass and metal shrapnel that littered the ground.

"Ava!" Aiden choked out.
I pushed myself up, and limped/ran over to my brother. Too many thoughts consumed me within moments. 

Was he hurt?

I placed a shaky hand on Aiden's shoulder, adrenaline still pulsing through my veins.
Thoughts roamed, and finally I remembered. 

My parents.

No. I wouldn't accept it.
I began pulling away bits of metals and rubbish, refusing to give in to the dark thoughts. Soon, my eyes found their mangled bodies.

I bit my quivering lip, tears stinging my eyes. I felt a liquid stream down my face, and I wiped it away with my forearm.

Blood, or tears? I couldn't tell anymore.

Instantly I felt Aiden wrap his arms around me and bury his face into my stomach and cry.
I wrapped my own arms around him, and rested my dirty, bloodstained cheek on his head. My own tears silently fell.

As the sky cried with rain, The sounds of sirens and ambulances could be heard in the distance.

Safiras Point Of View.

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