United Once More

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(Ava's POV)

She blinked a few times to make sure she wasn't hallucinating.

Could it really be her?

"Safira?" She choked out, utterly dumbfounded at seeing her best friend who had been... Murdered.

Backing away, She scanned her best friend.
She had changed quite a bit, and even that was an understatement.

Her eyes gleamed like the coals of a fire, and she had...wings? They were oddly membranous, and scaly.

Safira looked around. "I'm not sure, but when I came into this form, I appeared here too. Except, it was day."

Ava merely nodded.

Safira looked at her, and Ava could see the tears that glistened at the corner of her eyes.

"I missed you so much" Safira choked out, tears streaming as Ava gripped hard onto her best friend.

"You have no idea, " Ava said, her voice small, and welling with emotion.

"You have no idea, how hard it was to be there without you." Ava's blue eyes glistened with tears as they pooled down her cheeks.

Safira's hand reached out, clutching around Ava's long, pale slender ones. 

Ava's tears only grew larger and more she began to cry with large sobs at Safira's touch, as if the confirmation of her being real, broke her or let her express joy. For real, real.

Safira smiled and wiped at her own tears.

"How- What happened..." Ava hugged her tightly and Safira shook her head.

"No more sadness. I want you to come with me and meet some people that I met while I was here... You'll love them!" She grinned.

Ava sniffled and grabbed onto her nodding vaguely.

"Then come on!"

Safira grabbed Ava's hand and ran to an empty section of grassland within the forest, where the trees weren't growing as thoroughly as the gnarled forest behind them that eventually at the reaches of your eyes faded into blackness.

"Stand back." Safira ordered, and Ava obeyed.

Something spectacular occurred, Safira's wings began to expand and with a light, a brilliant light that faded from purple to blue, she saw discreetly Safira change from a human body, to a gorgeous dragon. She was a brilliant white, with gold and black, else where in designs dotting her body, her talons were long and white, and her eyes a luminous red that shone like fire, with the sparks of embers that shone. 

Through a telekinetic sort of thing, Ava heard Safira speak through her mind instead of out loud.

"Come, I've trained and learned how to fly efficiently." Safira grinned, revealing long, sharp teeth.

Ava, out of amazement and awe, climbed onto Safira's back. Safira hesitated, waiting for Ava to position herself enough for comfort.

Her leathery scales provided enough padding, and Ava knew just by grazing her hands along them that her hide was almost impenetrable.

Safira, with no warning unfurled her wings and without a running start, her large, strong wings beat and the air was forced and turned and was enthralled in her wings beat as she quickly became air born. She soared high, and she beat and soared with glee, she twirled enough times to make Ava feel her stomach clench, and she almost felt the bile rise in her throat. But Safira evened out.

"Ah, the feeling of flying...you feel so free, like no enemy could cut you down during this moment of pure happiness!" If Safira were talking out loud she would have bellowed this along the mountain chain they were passing over, and it would have echoed.

Ava laughed loudly at the rush, her hair was going to be the devil to untangle. She raised her hands from Safira's hide and lifted them through the sky, and she swore if she reached high enough she would touch the stars themselves. 

Safira felt her excitement, grinned and picked up the speed, carefully enough to make sure Ava was safe on her back. The air got so cold as they were passing over the swirling sea, and then within moments they were over a large continent of ice. 

She flew and then slowed, circling an area, where lights, brilliant lights and movement was spotted even as high as they were.

It was a magnificent array of buildings, but the biggest was the most beautiful and most extravagant. Its luminescence filtered through the snow and surroundings, the rays of light burst through the ravine, an extraordinary thing. She wondered if it was only them who could see it. If anyone else had, they would have known about it.

A glamour or something could be cloaking the fortress, she concluded clutching onto Safira's spines.

Safira grinned.
"Ready? "

Ava opened her mouth in protest, but before anything Safira let out loud shriek.

"Now! "

She hurled herself down, tucking in her wings as she torpedoed through the air. Ava screamed at the top of her lungs as she clutched onto her friend with such ferocity. But Safira, before the ground got any closer, opened her wings and snow flew everywhere.

They had buried themselves under the soft white flecks. Safira peeked out, human again her cheeks flushed in the cold as she let a big boisterous laugh, of genuine fun and threw up her hands.

Ava pulled herself through the snow and let herself laugh,
With Safira by her side. The best friend she had lost, and now had back.

And with Ava at Safira's side. Safira swore she'd never let her friend face any battle without being by her side.

I wish I could tell you it would always be like this.

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