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I am sorry to say that I am stopping this series. I started it along time ago and haven't made much progress and I am not very proud of the quality of my writing. This is the last chapter I will write in the Black Series. Feel free to write chapters that take place from last chapter to before this chapter and send them to me. I will post them on this book. Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoy.

Aquila looked at her seven children with a smile. She had married the pureblood Slytherin, Saliph LeStrange and who worked at the ministry as an auror while she taught transfiguration at Hogwarts. Her oldest children, Sirius and Remus, were a set of identical twins with wavy black hair and stormy grey eyes. They were playing quidditch with their family and friends, both of them were beaters. Just like their namesakes they caused trouble and were in Gryffindor. They were in their seventh year and held the record for the most detention ever given to a student. They were smart kids, getting all A's E's and O's, and were both animagi, two identical lions.

Alshain and Altair,  Aquila's second oldest pair of twin who were also identical, were keepers for opposite teams. They were in their fifth year and in Slytherin like their father and were the best keepers Hogwarts had ever seen. Their hair was brown and messy and their eyes were a stormy grey that looked like they knew everything. They were also trouble makers but not nearly as bad as their older brothers. They were named after Aquila's twin and cousin who died in the final battle. 

Rosetta and Mizar were the calmest of the LeStrange family. Rosetta had brown hair and grey eyes and Mizar had black hair and grey eyes. They were in their third year at Hogwarts and were both sorted into Ravenclaw. They were the smartest in their year and tended to avoid sports and their troublemaking brothers. Aquila named them after her friends her died fighting Voldemort.

Regulus was the youngest child and did not have a twin. He was also a metamorphagus like his mum. He was in his first year and was sorted into Hufflepuff. He pulled pranks but never got caught, he got good grades but never did his homework, he loved making things explode, and he knew the castle better than even the founders themselves. No one ever suspects the Hufflepuff.

Aquila still had nightmares of losing her friends that day, she was the last living Masked Marauder. Alshain died trying to save Rosetta, Mizar died trying to save Altair, Rosetta died saving Saliph, and Altair died saving Aquila. She didn't even know who killed them and that haunted her dreams the most. Altair and Mizar had been dating since their fourth year when Altair asked Mizar to the Yule Ball. Alshain and Rosetta only started dating towards the very end of their sixth year. Aquila started dating Saliph at the end of their fifth year, before her father's death.

Aquila couldn't help but smile at the memories even though it hurt and made her want to cry. She lost her old family and friends but now she had knew ones. She wouldn't change a thing.

Aquila watched with a sad and happy smile as Regulus passed the quaffle to James Potter, who almost scored but was blocked by Alshain. Aquila remember when it was her flying with her family and friends. Aquila turned away from the match and walked inside her large manor, the LeStrange Manor.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2016 ⏰

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