Chapter 13

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Authors Note of Apologies
I'm sorry to say that this is a short an update. I seem to have misplaced my book, so this chapter will be a filler until I can find it.

Chapter 13 (3rd Person)
"I will hex you into next week for that, Lestrange!" Aquila screech, raising her wand toward the laughing Slytherin. Saliph Lestrange had turned Aquila's hair into a hot pink, to make it worse, the spell wouldn't allow her to change it back.
Sailiph's eyes widen in fear, he stopped laughing and he took off running, Aquila hot on his trail. Mizar shook his head, amused. His friend was crazy, chasing after a Slytherin in the library. He went back to his book, waiting for his friend to come back.

In 1398 the wizard Zacharias Mumos set down the first full description of the game of Quidditch. He began by emphasising the need for anti-Muggle security while playing the game: 'Choose areas of deserted moorland far from Muggle habitations and make sure that you cannot be seen once you take off on your brooms. Muggle-repelling charms are useful if you are setting up a permanent pitch. It is advisable, too, to play at night.'

"Really Mizar? You're reading Quidditch Through the Ages, again," complained Aquila walking up to the sandy haired boy. "I got Saliph good. He now has red hair and freckles. It's hilarious, you should have seen it!"
"You really can be quite pugnacious at times," he replied dryly, his green eyes leaving his book to look into Aquila's confused grey eyes.
"What the bloody hell does pugnacious mean?"
"It means quick to argue or fight."
"Ugh, you know I hate it when you use big words," she complained, slouching down in the seat next to him.
"You should read more, then the words I say won't sound so big," he replied amused.
"You should really get your head out of books, then you wouldn't be so boring," Aquila said mockingly, pushing her black hair out of her face.
"You are often wrly," Mizar responded just to get on her nerves, putting away his book.
"What does that mean?"
"It means you often use mocking humor."
"You mean I mock you? Yeah, I just did. Can't you just use normal words?" Aquila said leaning back in her chair, placing her feet on the table.
"Now you are in a recumbent position."
"I don't even want to know," moaned Aquila
"A reclining postion."
"I said I didn't want to know!" she said.
"I know, but you didn't have to be so derogatory about it," Mizar said smirking evilly.
"I hate you," she groaned.
"You love me."
"Keep telling yourself that," she restorted, getting up and leaving Mizar alone.
Finally at peace he went back to reading where he left off.

We deduced that Mumps's excellent advice was not always followed from the fact that the Wizards' Council outlawed Quidditch-playing within fifty miles of towns in 1362. Clearly the popularity of the game was increasing rapidly, for the Council found it necessary to amend the ban in 1368, making it illegal to play within a hundred miles of a town. In 1419, the Council issued the famously worded decree that Quidditch should not be played 'anywhere near any place where there is the slightest chance that a Muggle might be watching or we'll see how well you can play whilst chained to a dungeon wall'.

Once again Mizar was interrupted by another one of his friends. Alshain came over to him, laid down on the couch, feet on Mizar's lap, a bundle of blankets on top of him. Mizar, annoyed put down his book again.
"What do you want Alshain?" Mizar asked, annoyance clear in his voice.
"Aquila told me you were killing her with big words like derogatory. I was wondering what that word means," he replied.
"It means showing a disrespectful attitude. Why did you bring your bindle here?"
"What does that mean?" asked Alshain, his grey eyes shining curiously.
"It means a bundle of bedding." Noticing Alshain's robes having an irregular arrangement of spots, he added, "Why is you robe mottled? That means why is it covered in random spots." He said before Alshain could ask what he meant.
"Oh, Rosetta got bored and we had a pranking war," replied Alshain like it was the most normal thing in the world, which was true. "Why are you so aloof today?" Alshain wondered out loud.
"I just want to read my book now get out and leave me alone!" growled Mizar, finally losing his patience with his annoying friend.
"Gosh, you didn't have to be so derogatory about it," Alshain said, getting up and leaving with his bindle.
Mizar sighed in relief, opening his book back up and going back to reading.

As every school-age wizard knows, the fact that we fly on broomsticks is probably our worst-kept secret. No Muggle illustration of a witch is complete without a broom and however ludicrous these drawing are (for none of the broomsticks depicted by Muggles could stay up in the air for a moment), they remind us that were careless for too many centuries to be surprised that broomsticks and magic are inextricably linked in the Muggle mind.

Soon Mizar's book was yanked out of his hands and shut with a loud snap. Angry he glared up to see a gloomy looking Altair. Mizar's glare soften and he asked his dear friend, "Why are you acting so morosely?"
"Altair looked up slightly confused, he opened his mouth but before he could say anything Mizar cleared things up. "I meant sullenly or gloomily."
Altair nodded and replied, "I just finished my homework but it's raining outside. Alshain and Aquila are chasing around Rosetta, who turned their skin blue with purple dots. Everyone else is still doing homework and I'm going to die of boredom if you don't help me."
Mizar laughed slightly and stood up, hooking his arm with Altair's and went off to cause trouble in Hogwarts, forgettting all about the book he was reading.

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