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Salutations! I'm Ellie Gonzales.

I was born in Manila, Philippines with my little brother Elliot.

Some people call me sociable, popular, friendly. Because I have alot of friends.

6 of them are my closest aquaintances.

But of course, I have a closest friend and her name is Margaret Chua.

We first met six years ago, in Senior Kinder[garten].

I was a new student and only she had the initiative to be my friend when nobody didn't.

When the years passed on, she encouraged me to reach up to everyone.

She made me the person I am today.

She is a very cheerful and persistent person and could brighten anyone's day.

We live in the same neighborhood so we hang out often.

We also have alot in common.

For instance, we're both in the 6th grade, have the same favorite color: purple, the same favorite food: pizza, and the same favorite song artist: Taylor Swift!

But that's besides the point.

What I'm saying is that her seemingly jubilant life has changed my life.

So, together with my friends, I investigate the case.

And thus, begins our story.

A Friend For RansomWhere stories live. Discover now