Making A Plan

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A. N.
Sorry for the wait again, guys. I'll promise to update more soon. Anyways, have a happy reading, my fellow readers!


"We need to start doing something, fast!" I announced. "Margaret's been kept as a slave!"

"How about what she said about you being a stalker?" Katie asked.

"In desperate times like this, you just have to ignore contradictions."

Maria snickered. "You're speaking my language, Ellie!"

I smiled."Ok, Katie you have it re-engineered?"

"Yeah." She held a test tube full of green goo. "My dad helped me start up the machinery to examine the--"

"Just tell us what it does!" Maria commanded.

"Uh... well... the substance that Margaret's Dad made... uh... is a toxic liguid that has a gooey, sticky texture. Once it is injected or even touched, that certain limb will be temporarily cramped. For... about 5 minutes." She then got a test tube rack and put the "goo" there.

"What if it's eaten or... if-if you breath it?" Demi asked, anxiously.

"Oh, then..." she gulped. "Both could result to death!"

We all gasped in shock. Even Elliot screamed.

"Hey, isn't that why Margaret keeps on having those cramps?" Katie asked.

"Maybe. But we shouldn't be too sure. There might've been other reasons." I answered as I set a bird's eye view of Margaret's house (and of both floors too). "Ok, here's the plan." I pointed to the entrance. "As a distraction, Maria and Hazel will guide the people away."

"And just how do you know there's other people there?" Maria asked me with her usual crossed arms.

"The bad guy usually doesn't do the dirty work themselves, but instead hire henchmen to do it for him." I explained. "Anyways, you both are the most talkative in the group and good in speech. That's why you'd be perfect for this."

"How do you know that her 'captor' isn't there?" Katie asked.

I looked down. "I... I... don't know."

"Ugh! Then count me out!" Maria yelled. "I'm not gonna let some... psycho kidnap me! Good day!"

"But wait! Maria!" Katie called. "Y-you aren't scared, are you?"

"Yes! Terrified. That's why I'm leaving!" She then blushed. "And don't tell anyone that!"

"I know I would." Elliot snickered. I elbowed him.

She reached for the doorknob, ready to storm off, when Katie called her again. "But, Maria! You ARE the most convincing in the group too, y'know?"

She stopped and turned around. "Well... I think that's Hazel."

"But, how about persuasive? Huh?" She said, raising her eyebrows. "You just have to use that talent."

Maria smiled. Praise is the only thing that her. "Hmm... I guess I never miss an opportunity... but I don't know"

"You're so beautiful, people will look only at you."

"Katie, what are you doing?" Demi asked in a whisper.

"It'll work. Just watch."

"Then count me in! I just love how people admire my beauty!"

"Ok, as I was saying, after the distraction, blah, blah, blah... Katie and Demi will sneak in with me."

"Why me?" Demi asked, shyly. "What do I have to be part of this team?"

"You're quiet and good at-- where's Demi?" I turned around and nearly jumped. "DEMI!"


"And you'd be really good at sneaking in without making a sound."

"Well," Maria said, "Katie makes sense, and you, Ellie, know Margaret than anybody else does... so... LET'S DO THIS!"

"Hold your horses, Maria!" I said. "We still need to build weaponry!"

"With what?" Hazel askdd.

"With a taste of their own medicine." Katie pointed at the test tube sitting on the rack.

"But we can't stop them with only one, right?" Hazel asked again.

Katie got out 5 more test tubes. We all stared at it in awe.

"How-how'd you do that?" Demi asked.

"Easy. I just--"

"O-kay!" I interrupted. "I think we should be busy, right?"

"Oh, yes, of course!" Katie said. "Weaponry. All you need is a--"

"Nerf toy gun!" Elliot butted in. "ELLIOT!" I scolded. "Wait," Katie said, "that could work. Elliot how many of those guns do you have?" "Ellie has two and I have two... so... four. Are we gonna play?"

"No," Katie corrected, "we're gonna fight!"

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