A Kidnapper In The Neighborhood

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"Attention, students!" The principal's voice announced out of the giant speakers around the school. "Please assemble near the flag pole for our flag ceremony!"

Everyday we would have a flag ceremony. We would be lined up by grade and sing Lupang Hinirang

Once we climbed up to our classrooms, I was chatting away with my friends.

"Omigosh!" Hazel exclaimed. "Did you hear about the kidnapping in your neiborhood, Ellie?"

I was stunned. Everyone stared at me.

"What? There was?" Katie Dela Rosa asked, staring at me most attentively.

Katie is always curious about things and loves to learn. She was also timid when she first entered the group, but now, she is kind and understanding to people.

A fun-loving child.

She then turned out to be the brightest kid in the 6th grade...

and the 3rd grade...

and the 4th...

and maybe the 5th...

But when we need help in schoolwork, we can always count on Katie.

"Uh..." I said, speechless.

But Maria didn't wait for an answer.

"You'd better watch out!" Maria warned, her arms crossed on her chest.

"Yeah." Demi whispered. "You can get in big trouble!"

"Wait, how did you know, Hazel?"

All eyes then turned to her.

She just looked down at her feet with a sad expression on her face.

"The one who got kidnapped..."

There was a long, silent pause...

except for the chatter around the class.

"Who?" I asked, impatiently. "Who was it?"

"was..." she managed to mumble.


"Just spit it out already!" Maria demanded angrily.

"...my cousin!" She shouted, lifting her head up.

"Your cousin was in my neighborhood?"

"Yeah, last week. She visited her grandma there." She explained. "When they stopped to play at a park, someone snatched her up and ran away too quickly for her grandma to keep up."

"That's terrible!" Katie exclaimed, sincerely. "I'm so sorry, Hazel."

"What was her name?" I asked as if I were a detective. "Maybe I could tell the guards to track her down."

"They're still searching." She replied. "And I don't think it's working."

We all felt deep pity for her. But I felt especially sorry for her and mad at the kidnapper and the guards. It was my neighborhood after all.

But all of a sudden, out of the corner of my eye, I spotted Margaret who seemed concerned, her head hanging over a math book.

I excused myself from my friends and shuffled over to my seat beside Margaret.

"I'm just gonna ask," I began, "when we first met, you always submitted homework early. Like... weeks early. But ever since you entered 4th grade, you cram. Why, is it that?"

She let out an uneasy chuckle as she scratched the back of her head.

"Uh... i-it's just... you know... I just... uh..." She mumbled.

"You what?"

"Um I--"

"Good morning, Ms. Agonzillo!" The class recited.

"Good morning, children!" She beamed. "Let's start Science class!"

Margaret never acted nervous...


Something's fishy about her.

Either that or Ms. Agonzillo's lecture about the underwater ecosystem.

I'm gonna get to the bottom of this!

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