Chapter 3: The Third Man

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After leaving Dean at Lisa's, an awkward goodbye between me and Dean, me and Sam take off to Pennsylvania for a new case that we find a few days later.

I get woken up by the sound of Sam working out, push ups, sit ups, it's kind of annoying.
Sam's phone starts ringing right as he finished working out.

"Hey....uh change of plans, I need you to meet me, I'm in PA, a town called Easter....Caught a case...We like to work... Glad we hashed that out. Call me when you roll into town." He says then hangs up.

"Who was that?" I ask Sam.

"Uh, that was Dean."

"He's joining us? I thought he was with Lisa." I say, not too happy with the last part.

"She kicked him out. He called me last night"

"Why did she kick him out?" Can she not handle all the hunter stuff or something?

"He's a hunter and she noticed yours and his awkward farewell a few days ago. She knows he's still in love with you."

"Great." I say. "Well let's get dressed and head over to the police station." I get out of bed and start digging through my duffel bag of clothes for my FBI suit.

While Sam is in the shower and getting ready, I do some research here first. Apparently some police officer's skin started peeling off and then he exploded...what the hell?
Me and Sam are outside going through the file when Dean pulls up.
"Because I lie professionally. That's how. Now tell your mom that you broke the damn thing and take it like a man." Dean says on the phone. Okay? Okay, okay." He says then hangs up.

"Wow." I say


"You. Molding the minds of tomorrow. Who knew?"

"Yeah, tell me about it." Sam hands the folder to Dean. "Still driving the plastic piece of crap, huh?"

"What's your mileage again?" Sam asks.

"Shut up." Dean says. The three of us walk into the police station together.

"Officer Gerald Hatch. A 17 year veteran, was found dead in the ready room three days ago."

"Whoa, somebody was over-hydrating."

"Basically, yeah. The guy just liquefied." I say. "Most of the meat, bones, dense tissues. They just turned to blood." We show our badges to the staff to allow us access to where the guys remains are.

"Okay, I don't get it." Dean says.

"Nobody gets it." Sam says.

"No, I mean, I get that. I'm saying, if the guy was a mop job, what are we doing in the morgue? What's left of him to look at?"

"We're not here to look at him." I say. We approach the sliding drawers where the bodies are held and Sam starts looking for a name. He opens a door and slides ones out. Dean uncovers the blanket. The body is full of what looks like giant pimples.

"Ooh. Bad news." Dean says.

"Officer Toby Gray." Sam says. They just brought him in. Found him dead in his patrol car at a speed trap on the outside of town."

"Extreme allergic reaction." Dean says reading the file for this guy that was in the drawer.

"Boils covered head to toe."

"On the inside too." I say.

"This says his airways are chock-full of them. Starting to look witchy to you?" Dean says.

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