Chapter 20: Let It Bleed

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We're all going through books right now. Well, the brothers and I are... I don't know where Bobby went.
"Well, you know what, at least you tried." Sam says. Dean and I filled him in on Cas' visit last night.
"Yeah, fat lot of good it did. Why did he even come, right?" Dean says. Sam just shrugs, Dean slams his book closed.
"Well, Samuel's journals are pointless. I mean, I'm sorry, but uh, Jebediah Campbell has squat to tell me about how to stop Cas from cracking Purgatory."  I say.  Bobby walks in to the room carrying a big envelope.
"Well, actually, it's not about the journals we have, it's about the one we don't." Bobby says.
"Meaning what?" Sam asks.
"Well, that's the bad news. Our pal Cas didn't stop in last night just to mend fences."
"What did he do?" I ask.
"Stole something." Bobby asks.
"What?" Dean asks.
"The journal of one Moishe Campbell."
"Moishe?" Sam asks.
"Of the New York Campbells."
"Well, uh, so we gotta get it back, right?" I ask. Bobby holds up the envelope then hands it to me.
"Or just read the copy I already made. Hi, glad to meet you. Bobby Singer. Paranoid bastard." I hand the envelope back to Bobby so he can start reading it. After about an hour of all of us reading, Dean gets up, walks into the kitchen and then comes back carrying two mugs. He hands me one of them. Expecting coffee, I look in the mug and see that it's tea... I take a's peppermint tea. I give Dean a questioning look.
"It's good for the fetus." He whispers to me.
"I think I zeroed in on something." Bobby says.
"What do you got?" I ask. Bobby hands me the page as I walk over to him. The brother walk towards me to read the journal page too. ""Went to talk to Howard Phillips about the events of March 10th'." I read.
"That's March 10th, 1937."
"Alright. So who's this Phillips guy?" Dean asks.
"Phillips ain't his last name. It's Lovecraft."
"Wait, H.P. Lovecraft?" Sam asks. "Let me see that." I hand Sam the paper.
"Are we supposed to know who that is?" I ask.
"Horror writer. At the Mountains of Madness, The Call of Cthulu?" Dean and I just share a look with each other.
"Yeah, it', I'm ... we were too busy having sex with each other." Dean says.
"Well, anyhow. There's one notion that comes up over and over again in his stories. Namely opening doors to other dimensions and letting scary crap through." Bobby says.
"You don't say."
"Wait, so you're saying you think Lovecraft knew something about Purgatory?" Sam asks.
"All I know is Moishe paid him a visit." Dean keeps reading the journal when his phone rings.
"Ben?" He answers. "What?... What are they?... Did you see their eyes?...Teeth?...This is important Ben, I need to know... Okay, where are you now?...Can you get to your mom's closet? I left a shotgun in there...Okay, Ben, listen to me. Go to your window and jump....Any bones you break won't compare to what they're gonna do to you, Ben. You've got to jump....I'm coming right now. I'm coming to get you and your mom, I promise. You with me, Ben? Ben?... Ben?" Dean removes the phone from his ear to look at the screen, then puts it back right away. What the hell is going on? "Crowley, let 'em go now, or I swear...I am going to kill you...I'm telling you, last chance to let 'em go easy..." Dean hangs up.
"What's the story?" Bobby asks.
"He said Lisa and Ben keep breathing as long as we sit on our thumbs."
"You think Cas knows about this?" I ask.
"We gotta assume he does." Dean says.
"So what are we gonna do?" Sam asks.
"I'll tell you what we're not gonna do: sit here. I'm going after 'em."
"We're coming with." Sam says.
"No, Sam. You stay on the Lovecraft thing, okay? Cas is already way ahead of us."
"You gotta be nuts if you think we're gonna let you do this alone. Bobby can take care of the case." I say.
"No, guys." Bobby says.
"Bobby, this is a big ball, okay? We can't drop it now." Dean says .
"Fine. But how are you three gonna find Lisa and Ben."
"Another angel." I suggest. After we get all the summoning stuff together. Bobby has left to go find Lovecraft. Sam performs the ritual. Balthazar appears.

"I'm sorry, do I look like a man-servant to you? No? No? Then quit ringing for me, please."
"This is important Balthazar." Dean says.
"I was drinking '75 Dom out of a soprano's navel when you called. That was important."
"Crowley's alive." I say.
"Well you've been scooped. Cas already told me."
"Well, did Cas tell you that he is Crowley's butt-buddy, you smug little dick?" Dean asks.
"Excuse me?"
"Handshake deal. Go halfsies on all the souls of Purgatory. He fill you in on that?" Sam asks.
"Well, yes, yes. Yes, of course he did. Yes." He is such a bad liar.
"Oh, yes, of course. I-I- we can read it all over your face." I say.
"Look, Crowley and Cas took two people who are very important to me." Dean says.
"And I care about this because?" Balthazar asks.
"Because maybe there is a shred of decency underneath this...snarky crap. They're innocent people and I'm asking for your help."
"Hmm. I see. Fair enough." Balthazar disappears.
"Son of a bitch!"
"Look Dean. Let's just call Cas.  Maybe he doesn't know anything about this." Sam says.
"We are not calling Cas."
"Yeah, but Dean."
"We're not calling Cas!"
"So what then?"  I ask. We all share a look. We're thinking the same thing.  Dean starts another summoning ritual in the garage while me and Sam talk to Bobby on the phone.

"Lovecraft tried to jimmy a damn dimensional door. Idjit." Bobby says.
"So what happened?" I ask.
"Well, nothing much. Except, I dug, and every guest invited to the hoedown, dead, or disappeared inside a year."
"Wow, um, so where are you off to now?" Sam asks.
"Have a chat with one of the guests." Huh?
"Wait, didn't you just say that everyone there died?" I ask.
"Yeah, everybody Lovecraft invited died. Seems the maid had a nine year old boy. He was there."
"So, he'd be what, 83 years old now? Where is he?" Sam asks.
"Same place he's been ever since the big night. Locked inside a mental ward."
"I see, um... Well, keep us posted, huh?"
"Okay, stay in touch. How's things going there? You got a lead and Lisa and Ben?"
"Well, um, we're making a few inquiries." I say. I hear screams coming from inside the garage.
"Slow going." Sam says.
"How's Dean?"
"About how you'd expect." I say. Sam hangs up the phone and then we join Dean in the garage as he's taking a sip of his drink of whiskey.

"Dean." I say.
"Yeah?" He asks as he wipes the demon-killing knife. There's a demon strapped to a chair in the middle of a devil's trap...about 5 other demons lying on the floor dead.
"Look. You're running on what, uh, whiskey and coffee and whatever else you're taking."
"Yeah, and?"
"And we're grasping at straws here, man." Sam says.
"Look, I kill enough of these demons, eventually one of them is gonna tell me where Crowley is. So we good?"
"Well look, you've been at it for a while, why don't you at least let one of us take over? You deserve a break." I say.
"No thanks."
"Dean." Sam says grabbing Dean's arm.
"Sam, back off. Lisa and Ben, wherever they are, that is a hundred percent on me. And if they are hurt... I'll yell if I need you." Sam walks outside. I stay inside with Dean while he keeps torturing angels. Dean fills a syringe with blood. He walks over to the demons that is in the chair. "I promise you, pal. Start talking. Or I swear, I will rip your skin off, strip by strip. And then I'm gonna kill you. Then I'm gonna do it to the next demon. You hear me?"
"Yeah. I hear you." The demon's eyes go black. Dean and I get shoved against a van by the telekinetic powers of the demon. "So you can stop talking, you miserable sack." Cas appears behind the demon and puts his hand on the black-eyed dick's head and kills him.
"We didn't ask for your help." Dean says to Cas.
"Well, regardless, you're welcome."
"Why are you here?" I ask.
"I had no idea Crowley would take Lisa and Ben."
"Yeah right." Dean says.
"You don't believe me."
"We don't believe a word that's coming out of your mouth." I say.
"I though you said that we were like family. Well I think that too. Shouldn't trust run both ways?" Cas says.
"Cas, I just can't..." I say grabbing my small baby bump.
"I do everything that you ask. I always come when you call and I am your friend. Still, despite your lack of faith in me, and now your threats, I just saved you, yet again. Has anyone but your closest kin ever done more for you? All I ask is this one thing."
"Trust your plan to pop Purgatory?" Dean asks.
"I've earned that, Dean. I came here to tell you that I will find Lisa and Ben and I will bring them back. Stand behind me, the one time I ask."
"You're asking us to stand down?" I ask.
"That's the same damn ransom note that Crowley handed me. You know that, right? Well no thanks. I'll find them myself. In fact, why don't you go back to Crowley and tell him that I said you can both kiss my ass." Dean and I walk away and into Bobby's kitchen. Sam is talking to Balthazar.

"...I took the liberty of searching for you friends. Uh, took a while. Crowley's a clever one."
"You found them?" Dean asks.
"Well, the upside is yes, uh, the downside is no, I can't get them for you."
"Why not?" I ask.
"Because Crowley's angel-proofed the whole bloody building. I guess he doesn't trust Cas. Seems that marriage is going swimmingly."
"Okay, well get us as close as you can." Dean says.
"Sure. But then you're on your own." I make sure to keep the demon-killing knife on me as well as a few guns. As soon as we're ready to go, Balthazar teleports us just outside the building. "Alright boys and girl. This is where I get off. God be with you and what have you." Balthazar then disappears. We get to a side door without being noticed. There's one demon that exits the building. I stab him with the knife then push him over the railing of the stairs to Sam who lowers the body to the ground to not make any noise. We sneak inside the building as quietly as possible.

"Alright, be careful." We split up... well, I follow Dean because he insisted that with me being pregnant I shouldn't be alone, so I'm following him. We go down a set of stairs and get to a set of doors where a couple demons are standing guard. They're down with a couple punches and then a couple stabs from my knife. One more demon comes out, he goes down easily. Then two more demons come out, the first one get pushed through the door, causing the door to be thrown off the hinges. I follow him down the stairs and stab him, then toss my knife to Dean to stab the other one. Lisa and Ben are sitting on the ground tied to a post.
"Oh, Dean. Thank god." Lisa says. Dean tosses me the knife.
"Still gotta get you out of here." I go and cut the rope free. She gets up. "Okay. Okay." I cut Ben's rope so he's free.
"Alright Ben. C'mon, let's go. Let's go." I say. Lisa grabs my Ben and my knife and holds it to Ben's throat.
"Brat's not going anywhere. And neither am I." Lisa says then her eyes go black. Bitch is possessed by a demon. "Crowley though you might come, so he had me jump this hot little piece of ass for insurance. Can't go losing our leverage now, can we?" Dean takes a step forward. Where the hell is Sam? "Ah. Another step. Free appendectomy. You know she's awake, your mom. I can hear her thinking." The bitch says to Ben.
"Don't listen to her Ben." Dean says.
"What? I was just gonna tell him that you're his real daddy." We all just stare at her. "Just kidding. Who know who your real dad is kid? You mom's a slut."
"You shut your mouth."
"Oh what, you're her white knight now? She wishes she never met you, Dean. You're the worse mistake she ever made. Second worst, after keeping you." She says the last part to Ben.
"It's not you mom Ben. She's lying." I say .
"Says the C-minus lay with 10 miles of daddy issues. Well, not your daddy, but your baby's daddy. Whatever gets you through the night."  Dean takes another step forward.
"Uh uh. Back off, cowboy." She turns to Ben again. "You know she's begging me to kill you. She says you hold her back. Never had a lick of fun since you were born." I look over at Dean, he's pulling out a flask from his pocket... holy water. Dean looks at me. I can distract... or attempt to.
"Ben, look at me. Look at me. You're gonna be just fine." I say. Ben nods. Dean throws the holy water at Lisa, she screams and lets go of Ben.
"Go!" Dean yells. Ben runs past us. Lisa goes after Dean with the knife. He pushes her against the wall. She drops the knife. Dean kicks it backwards. I grab it.
"What's the matter Dean? Hit me! Oh, you don't wanna hurt poor Lisa." Dean begins the exorcism.
"Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus."
"Shut your mouth." She punches Dean in the face.
"Omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursion infernalis adversarii, omnis congregation et secta diabolica, ergo draco maledicte." Dean gets grabbed by the throat. I can't exactly stab her. "Ecclesiam."
"Stop it." Lisa says.
"Tuam." Dean continues.
"I'm warning you." Lisa has let go of Dean since the exorcism is making her weak.
"You can go to hell, you black-eyed bitch." Lisa grabs a straight razor from a table.
"You sure about that?" She says then stabs herself in the stomach.
"Mom!" Ben yells.
"Exorcise me now. She's just a dead meatsuit. Now what was it you wanted to say?" I look at Ben then finish the exorcism.
"Securi tibi facias libertate." Lisa starts bleeding from her mouth. "Servire te rogamus, audi nos." Lisa screams as the demon leaves her body and she falls to the ground.
"Mom!" Ben yells. Both her and Dean run to her side. I take my sweater off and hand it to them.
"Lisa. Here. Put pressure on that, okay?" She moans in pain. I call Sam.
"This is Sam, leave a message."
"Sam, where are you , damnit!" I hang up the phone.
"Alright, Alright, Ben, we gotta get her out of here, okay? Ben. Ben?"  He's frozen with fear. "Ben." Dean slaps him. "Hey! Listen to me, I need you to pull it together, okay? You gotta be strong. Your mom needs you right now. I gotta carry your mom out, if anything comes out, you stay behind Ash."
"Go, now!" Dean picks up Lisa. We leave the room as a demon comes up to us. I take my knife and stab it right away. Ben keeps freezing, causing us to wait for him.
"Come on, pull it together, do you want your mom to die? Let's go." Dean says. We keep walking. I end up having to pull out my gun and shoot a few more demons. We walk down a set of stairs and hear pounding on a door.
"Dean! Ash!" Sam yells.
"Sam?" I ask.
"I'm in here!" I shoot the lock off the door and out comes Sam.
"Come on, we gotta get to a hospital. Sam, we need a ride." Dean says. Sam rushes outside ahead of us, pulls up in a stolen car as soon we get outside. We get in the car and Sam starts driving.
"She's fine Ben. She's fine. She's gonna be just fine." I say to Ben who looks super worried.
"Almost there. Hey, hey. Stay with me. Sam you gotta go faster, man! You're gonna be fine. You're gonna be just fine." Dean says.
We get her to the hospital. They hook her up to several breathing tubes and monitors right away. Dean and Ben are in the room with an unconscious Lisa. Sam and I are waiting outside the room. Cas eventually shows up and does Dean a huge favor by wiping her memory of him and healing her. Dean says a final goodbye by telling her that he accidentally hit her with his car and then leaves. Sam and I are waiting by the car while he does this.
"Well?" I ask Dean as he comes to us.
"Well nothing."
"Dean, you know, you've pulled some shady crap before, but this has got to be the worst. Whitewashing their memories? Take it from somebody who knows-"
"If you ever mention Lisa and Ben to me again, I will break your nse."
"Dean." I start. I feel like some one is watching me. I look around and see a girl, who looks to be around my age staring at me. After a while of a stare down between us, she comes towards us.
"Ashlee Cohen?" She asks. Is that a southern twang that I hear in her voice?
"And Sam and Dean Winchester?"
"Who are you?"
"I'm Alex. You're the ones who killed Azazel."
"Yes. Who are you?" I say reaching my hand around to my back to grab the knife that's in my pants.
"You don't need to worry about that knife that you're reaching for. I'm not a demon."
"Then what are you?" Sam asks. There is no way this chick would know who we are unless she was something.
"I'm an angel. Well, a fallen angel. I was looking for yellow-eyes and then I heard that you three killed him so I've been looking for you ever since. You've been hard to find. Without being able to access my angelic powers fully, being a fallen and all, it was harder to find you, and you've got those Enochian symbols on your ribs too which weren't helping."
"Well, what do you want?" Dean asks.
"I want to help you. I've got ears on angel radio almost all the time. None of them would remember me and I hear you're trying to hunt down Crowley, and besides, although you're hiding it well Ashlee, I can tell that you're pregnant, eventually that's gonna slow you down a bit so you could probably use the extra hands."
"We don't trust that easily." I say.
"I can prove it to you." I share a look with the boys. Dean nods his head.
"Fine, but show one sign that we can't trust you and we're dropping you.'' Sam says. The four of us get in the car and drive away.
This will be interesting...


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