Chapter 2: Two and a Half Men

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"Where did you find them?" Sam asks the detective at the latest vicitm's house.

"We found the parents upstairs. Pretty brutal."

"Break in? I ask."

"No, alarm never went off."

"Any leads on the baby?" Sam asks.

"None yet."

"So what do you think? Think it's okay? Alive?" I ask.

"I did yesterday."

"Thank you." Sam says. We walk up to the house and duck under the police tape. We scope out the place and then call Samuel when we're done. "Hey, so I've been all over this. No sulfur. No EMF. I'm starting to think maybe it's not our kind of thing...No, no, I agree. It's awful. I'm just saying this one might be on the police." Sam sighs. "No, no, no, I get it....Sometimes I wonder about me too." I look back at the house and see a sign for Harper Caine Security in the front yard, that looks familiar. I motion for Sam to give me the phone.

"Hey, the detective said the alarm in the house never went off. You mind taking a quick look, see if anyone else had a system from Harper Caine Security?" I ask.

"Yeah, sure. Any chance I get to hop on a computer." He says and then hangs up. Me and Sam drive to a nearby park to sit and just go over the files. My phone starts ringing.

"Find anything?" I ask.

"You were right. Every family that got hit: Harper Caine Security. So I pulled the client records." Samuel says.

"Right, to see if there's any other families who fir the profile."

"There is another happy couple walking and talking, 6 month old baby, like all the others.

"What's the adress?" Samuel tells me the adress and then hangs up. I tell Sam and he drives us there. We wait until the lights are all off. Sam goes to pop the trunk to get out a gun and flashlight. I have my knife. We walk up to the house. Theres a Harper Caine Security sign in the yard. Sam uses his lockpick to unlock the front door. The husband and wife are dead and bloody in the living room. There are bloody footprints that go further into the house, Sam has his gun up and ready and I have my knife in hand ready.

He checks a closet, nothing. A man suddenly barrels into him, disarming him and knocking him to the ground. Sam kicks him in the nose, knocking him back. I take my opening and cut at him, I end up being able to get his arm. The wound hisses and burns. The man leaves. Me and Sam check the rest of the house, eventually we get to the laundry room when we hear a noise. Sam looks under the folding table and...holy shit.

"What the hell?" I ask.

"I don't know." Sam says.

"We can't just leave it, can we?"

"I don't think so."

"I'll take this thing and you go grab the seat..." I say.

"Yeah sure. And then call Dean." I pick up this...thing while Sam goes to grab the seat from the couple's car and put it in his. I hand the thing to Sam while I pull out my phone and Sam starts driving.

"Ash?" Dean answers.

"I need your help. Now."

"What's wrong?" Dean asks.

"We're working this job." I hear him sigh. "Look, I just need you with me on this, okay?"

"I'm out. I'm staying out."

"Make an exception."

"For what?" He asks.

"Look, we're thirty minutes away and we will drive to your door if you don't meet us."

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