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"Hey Luna, why don't you try harder to get better marks, you know your parents are going to be furious with you" Claire suggested.
Then the teacher walks up to us.
"Miss. Clarica, you need to get your grades up or we will have to expel you from this elite school."
The teacher threatens.

"Tomorrow, we are having the students with the worst grades to compete, and 10 students who come in last place will be expelled."
"What if I don't show up?" I question.
"Then you will automatically be expelled." The teacher turns around and leaves. But then she turns around again.

"Oh and Miss. Clarica, I heard your younger sister, Miss. Avaline is going to be competing and going to take the test to get accepted into Mensa!"
"Oh yes, I believe she can do it. My younger sister is indeed very smart"
"You should learn from her"
Then the teacher leaves.

"Wow not everyone is gifted, that hag!"
Claire bickers.
"Calm down Claire, lets go shopping after school!"
"But shouldn't you study?"
"I will when I get home" I smile.
"Ok then we should invite, Naomi, Madlaina, and Rosette! Oh look there they are!"
"Hey girls!"
"Wanna hang out after school?" Claire asks.
"I'm sorry I can't, grandpa wants me to clean the whole shrine today" Naomi cries.
"It's ok maybe next time?"
"I guess we have nothing else to do today" the twins Madlaina and Rosette say. 

"Oh look it's Loser Luna" Sierra and the girls behind her laugh.
"Oh did you girls hear something? It must be my imagination nothing more than a bug to be stepped on" I walked away. Sierra was left angry.

After school
My driver came to give us a ride, and right behind us was the car for our butlers.
"Where should we go first?" I ask
"To the mall, I've been dying to get some new clothes" Rosette smiles.

When we arrive Rosette and Claire were dying to buy everything.
We bought so much clothes, we could open our own shop!
"M'Lady Rosette, isn't this too much stuff?!" Her butler Aoi explains.
Her other butler then smacks him.

"Aoi!, you don't dare question Miss. Rosette! Please M'Lady forgive him, he is still in training"
"It's alright since I'm in a good mood"
She smiles.
After that, we went to have lunch and talk.
"I'm so hungry from all that shopping,
Claire rushes to eat her food"
"Calm down, you might choke" I told her.

"If anything were to happen to Miss. Claire, I will protect her," her butler Hiro assures us.
My phone then starts to ring. My butler Sora picks it up.
"Hello this is Miss. Luna Clarica's butler speaking"
"Ok right away"
"What is it Sora?"
"We have to go, M'lady Avaline has been in an accident"
"What Avaline?....."

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