Chapter 1

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Two months later

Allison's POV

"Aww, You look beautiful" my cousin and best friend Tori said to me as she came into the dressing room where I was.

"Thanks" I smiled at her briefly before turning back to the mirror admiring my dress. I sighed sadly as I ran my hands down the front of the dress.

"Sweetie, come on. It's your wedding day at least smile, pretend you're ecstatic" Tori said to me giving me a sympathetic smile.

"But I'm not Tori. I'm not ecstatic to marry the guy no more than he's ecstatic to marry me" I said to her turning around to face her fully now. "I'm only doing this for Dad".

"And you're a great daughter for doing this" Tori said as she came to hug me.

"And I'll have to move all the way to New York. Away from everyone, my family, Dad, you" I sighed.

To the rest of my family this was supposedly a "real wedding" and Christopher and I were "In love". I just couldn't let on that this was all for business and that I had barely known the guy. No one else in the family that was here today knew any of this except Tori. I could never withheld such secrets from Tori, she is my cousin-Dad's niece and even more we've been best friends since forever. Tori was only two months older than I, so we were the same ages and growing up together made us best friends bonded by blood. So there was no way I'd lie to her about this wedding, in fact I couldn't considering we told each other everything and both knew that neither of us were dating anyone.

It was hard to believed that I was just two months ago Dad had told me that he needed a big favour from me. Imagine my surprise when Dad asked me to marry his friend's son in order for them to merged their companies.

I can't believed I had agreed to throw my life away and settle for an arranged wedding all for the price of business. But I had to help my Dad, I mean I wasn't ungrateful enough not to. My Dad has always been there for me my entire life, he'd do anything for me. I would be a liar to say he wasn't the greatest father, even when mom died four years ago he has been there for me even more so the least I could do was return all his kindness by agreeing with this whole marriage charade. I clearly remembered laughing at his proposition at first.

"Dad are you crazy? Are you seriously asking me to marry a stranger?" I laughed.

"He's not that much of a stranger. His Dad and I are good friends" Dad replied.

"Dad, is this really necessary? I mean marriage is a huge deal, shouldn't it be between two persons who love each other?"

"Alli, I know. And I shouldn't even be asking you this but its a huge opportunity" Dad sigh. "I know what I'm asking is a big deal and I should allow you to find your own happiness".

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