Chapter 9- Winter Rose

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For a while it was awkward to look at Bran. Every time I looked at him he would stare into my eyes but..but almost past my eyes. Im not an idiot. He was trying not to look down my nightgown. It made me uncomfortable I won't lie but I was also flattered that he even found an interest to look at my body. I cannot say many men of Westeros have found an interest in me. On top of it I like Bran of course so it made it better. After about an hour of talking, (mostly him constantly apologizing and denying everything Osha said) I gave up on being tense everytime he looked at me. This made things a bit awkward but I tried to ignore that. How must i ignore that? With a distraction. Payback! What a nice distraction. He was in his nightwear too. Breeches and a loose blue top. It looked nice on him and brought out his eyes. At one point he caught ME staring at him instead of the other way around. The look on his face..he immediately looked away his cheeks all pink and bit his lip so hard it turned white. I thought his lip was going to burst and get blood everywhere. I acted like I didn't notice him catching me though. He got a good enough look at me I can look at my betrothed if I want to! Even if he's a cripple, that doesn't stop him from being very visually attractive. He isn't the strongest guy but he's not lanky. He's lean, but not weak looking. His arms had a nice size and he was filled out pretty well. His face to be honest was one of his best features. Just every part of his face was pleasing to look at and I didn't want to look away. Unfortunately I would get caught much more easily staring at his face than his body. I gaze at his brown hair as he tells me a story about Dancer. I feel my heart lurch and I want to run my fingers through his brown curls and and kiss him..I bite my lip and fidget a bit. He eyes me but keeps talking. I try to keep the conversation going but once I look I can't stop. I find myself staring dead at his lips. The way they moved when they spoke words. His expressions. He's so perfect. Unlike most people, he doesn't have a single expression I do not like. My parents both have expressions that I get so angry and frustrated with when they give them to me. For my mother; when she nags me, and my dad; when he's angry with me. Just then, we had a soft rapping against the door. "Come in!" I call. "Bran keep talking." He finishes up his story and I respond to him. I look up and see Rickon trying to be patient. "What's wrong?" "Mother found out about the hole in the sofa.." "What?" "You and Bran were fooling around remember? She found the tear!" "Oh shit..does she know it was us??" "No..I don't think so. But she's quite angry.." He shuts the door behind him. "You said we could talk after." "Mmhm sit. Do you mind Bran?" "If he doesn't mind me listening." He chuckles. "No I told you most of it already anyways." He pauses. "Wait why are you in her bed?" Bran blushes. well this looks suspicious. "Um.. We were talking that's all!" "Why are you being so defensive???" He demands. He leans in curiously his child side showing. "I wasn't." "Your voice was all shrill." "Was not." "Yes it was." "No." "Yes." "No.." "Yes!!" I growl. "You two were doing stuff werent you??? He told me you..mpphhh!!" Bran lunged forward with all the strength he can and ends up over Rickon covering his mouth. "NO." He says firmly. He tries to get up but fails and blushes. I giggle and wrap my arms around his chest from behind and pull him back and he ends up falling on me, the back of his head resting on my chest. He turns and blushes and drags himself over a bit. "thanks.." He mutters. I whisper, "did you tell him about the ..the bath??" "Shh..he has good hearing.." "What bath?" Great. "Well your answer is no." Bran smiles sheepishly. "What bath? You had a bath together?" "NO!" We shout simultaneously. Rickon laughs and scooches closer to us. "He told me you two kissed!!" Bran looks down frowning and blushing. "Stop Rickon." "It's alright. Does he know about you know what yet.." "No." "Hey don't be upset Bran..please?" I frown. He side glances at me. "Bran.." "Hug him." I try not to laugh. "Why Rickon?" "Because he likes hugs." I suddenly feel sorrowful. I look over to Bran and scoot closer to him and hug him, wrapping my arms around his arms and waist. He blushes and tries to keep his eyes on his lap. I press my nose to his jaw, teasing him. He blushes darker. "Hey  Rickon, doesn't your brother blush a lot?" I giggle innocently. Rickon smirks devilishly. "Yah. certain things you can do will make it worse." Bran scowls at Rickon and looks back down to his lap helplessly. I lay my head on his shoulder and start giggling. "Braaaandon." I say in a sing song voice. He side glances quickly and then away again. Rickon urges me on glancing at bran and motioning with his head giggling. This sure is a fun game. I whisper in his ear. "Brandon." I see his face get redder. And the hairs on the back of his neck that I can see are stood up. I let my lips touch his ear. Where in the seven hells did I get this confidence?? "Braaaan." He gasps and sharply looks at me. I'm so close to him we almost kiss right there on accident. He blushes darkly and looks into my eyes desperately. I giggle innocently hoping my eyes showed the mischief I was feeling. I forget Rickon is there for a moment. "Oh. Hey Rickon do you want to hang out tomorrow? I know we didn't get to really play or anything." "YAH!" He shouts jumping up on his knees. "Im hungry." He remarks. Random as fuck. I snicker. "So Shireen." Bran smirks, looking up at Rickon who is blushing at me. "What about her?" "when does she come back?" "I dunno. A fortnight or two. I hope she's here for the wedding." Bran and I look at each other and Rickon notices. "What?" We don't say anything. "What?? What did I miss?" We stare at him. "Come on I tell you guys everything.." He whines. I look at Bran for permission. He smiles. I motion to Rickon. "Well she isn't marrying Robb anymore." "What?? BUT I LIKE WEDDINGS!" I laugh. "Robb is still getting married silly just not to me." "Oh. Is it that girl with the brown hair?" "I think so." I laugh. "Well what about you?" I blush. "I get to marry her." I look at Bran, surprised he said it so outright. "Really?!" Rickon's eyes are filled with excitement. He looks really happy. "Oh my gods that's amazing!!!! You guys are gonna be great together." Bran smiles at his brother and I grin to myself. "Well I'm going to get an apple." I nod. "Waaait." Rickon smirks. "What. Don't look so devilish what do you want?" "Bran. Both of us got targeted. We didn't bother y/n yet." I blush. "No need for that!" "Much need!" Rickon remarks. "No no no. Just go get your apple!" He laughs demonically. "What can we do to bother her Bran?" Bran looks at me. "She's sensitive in certain places." I narrow my eyes not sure where he's going with this. "TICKLE HER!!" He shouts and Rickon laughs and they attack me. I scream and laugh and end up squirming around breathlessly. In desperation I beg them to stop. They are merciless and Bran drags himself closer and pins me down with his body. Rickon starts laughing hysterically. "Tickle her Bran!" Rickon falters in her tickling but Bran doesn't stop! "Aah please no more I can't take it please!!" I beg. "What's that? Can't hear you well my lady." Bran jokes. "Bran pleeeease" I try but I still laugh and I grab his shoulders. "Gods please." Im cackling up and Rickon almost falls off the bed laughing. "Get her Bran!" He starts crying from it all and I can't help but laugh harder until im gasping for breath. I can only make out a moaning sound as I try to beg for help. "Ohhh.." I laugh. "Brandonnnn please hahahaha" he finally stops and they're both laughing. I gasp for breath. "I swear I'll get you both alone and I'll get my revenge!!" I declare. "Hey Rickon!" Mischievous. What's he doing now. "Yah Bran?" He smirks going along with it. "Maybe we can catch HER later. She can't get away from us both." He laughs and agrees. "Well im going to get my apple. Watch out y/n. Me and bran are out to get you." He smirks and leaves just like that. Im still gasping for breath bewildered at them. It's then I notice Bran is still on top of me. At first he blushes and sends an apologetic glance. But then within a second it's replaced with mischievousness. "Why did you have to whisper in my ear Eh?" "Because it's your weak spot." I remark cooly. "Oh yah? I don't believe that's very fair now woudnt you agree?" "No." I laugh. He only smirks and leans into my neck breathing hot air on it. I bite my lip. I've never felt something like that.. His lips brush my neck and I shudder leaving a sound along with it. It sounded almost like a shaky gasp. He smirks and I feel it. "Bran..?" "Mmm?" He murmurs. "Y/n?" I blush. I wish he would...I press my lips together and he looks up at me. He smiles and pushes himself up best he can. I help him to sit up. "Where is Osha?" I blush. "I dunno. Im getting tired.." He frowns. "Well while you wait for her you can sleep here." "In your bed?" He stares at me blushing. "Yeah. I don't see a problem with it." He smiles and I help him to get covered up by the furs. I end up not being able to sleep so I watch him sleep. By the time I doze off I hear distantly Osha walk in and lift him from my bed. I faintly remember her carrying him off to his bed and a bit more clear than that i remember how his peaceful looking face made me feel. Once I awaken the next morning, I don't remember having any dreams. It's quite early. Bran is watching me from Osha's arms. He smiles. "Did we wake you?" "Nmm mm." I mumble. "The little lord went for a walk with Summer and I this morning. He wanted to see you." "Is it early? Or is it breakfast?" "It's still early." Bran says. "Why did you want to see me?" "I just did..and umm I got you something." His hand around Osha's neck raises around and extends to me. In his fingers, he holds a beautiful winter rose. It's blue color is breathtakingly gorgeous and I can only stare at it in awe. "It's beautiful.. It's really beautiful." Bran gazes at me smiling and I hold it. "Don't prick your finger." He smiles. I remember.

Summer child~Brandon Stark x ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu