Chapter 27- A Long Time Coming

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I cradle Rickon in my arms. He didn't want me to let him go. He laid his face on my neck and chest and pouted. "Only you love me. Mama don't even love me." "Your mother loves you dearly." He frowns and hugs my neck. "They don't like me. Robb. Jon. Bran." His eyes well up when he says Bran. He adored his brothers. I wasn't sure what to say. "Rickon they do like you. They love you. Trust me. You're so special to all of us." He looks at me sadly. "Are you going to have a babe?" "No Rickon. Not yet. Talisa and Robb are much older than i. They will. Not me and Bran." "Good. I want your attention on me not some baby." I laugh. "Oh Rickon." "All I've got is you. And Old Nan." "Oh yeah?" "Old Nan said brothers used to share wives in old times." "That's not true." "She says it's true." "And even if it was?" "You're pretty." I shake my head and giggle. "But you're family to me. And I don't like incest." "How do you know what incest is?" "Didn't Cersei and Jaime Lannister-" "Rickon!" I laugh. "Shh!!" "You knew didn't you?" "Yes but don't go telling people that." "Can I ride on your back?" His mouth gaped open in curiosity. "Sure." I set him down and bent down so he could climb on my back. I held his legs up and he wrapped his arms around my neck. We walked around the castle for a while. Everything was lit by candles and torches. I can't tell whether it's night or day anymore. Suddenly, Rickon slides off my back and walks in front of me. "Can't I go outside and see the winter?" "Why?" "I want to see Wintertown full of snow on the buildings." "You can't see farther than a few paces Rickon." "Well I want to see that." "It's dangerous out there. Maybe when it calms down." "It'll never calm down." He complains. "Come on let's go lay down it should be around bedtime." "I don't want to sleep." "I'll just lay with you." "Y/n?" "Hmm?" I take his hand and lead him to his bedchambers. "Is father proud of me?" "Of course." "Are you sure?" "Rickon when you and Osha returned, your father was overjoyed that you survived such a war. He was praying to the Gods for your return. When you came back he went to the Godswood to tell them his thanks for keeping you safe and well cared for." "But father didn't even know Osha." "He knew you were with a caring and capable woman. Bran told him." "Did Bran return far before me?" "Not that long. He returned quickly though. Right after the war was finished." Once we were in Rickon's bedchambers, i motioned to the bed. He frowned. "I'll lay with you." "Okay." He crawls onto the bed and lays under the furs. I lay on top next to him. "come under the furs." I put an arm around him. "Please? Stay here and sleep with me. I'm all alone." "What about Shaggydog?" "He's sleeping already." "Call him up." He ponders about it for a moment before calling him. "Shaggydog!! Come here!" Shaggydog lifts his head lazily with a groan. When he sees Rickon in bed, he stands up quickly and jumps up to lay on his legs. He curls up right on him, similarly to the way Ghost curled on Jon Snow. I hoped Bran was warm in his own furs with Summer and Blizzard to keep him warm. I hope Blizzard is warm. He smiles and cuddles closer. I ruffle his hair and play with the curls. After a while he closes his eyes and yawns cutely. He tries to keep his eyes open but eventually drifts off.

I wake up next to Rickon who is curled up next to me. He looks so cute and peaceful. I hope he isn't that sad. He moans in his sleep. I play with his hair. "Mmm." He mumbles tiredly. He slowly opens his sleepy eyes. "Y/n.." "Hey cutie." "Mmm..." He rubs his eyes and closes them again. "Rickon. Wake up." He whines and opens his eyes. "Why?" "It's morning." "Are you sure?" "Mmhm." He rubs his eyes again and looks up at me. His hair was messy and his sleep shirt wrinkled. He sits up. "Are we going to eat?" "Yeah let's go." "Was it uncomfortable to sleep in your dress?" "Yeah but not too bad I'm fine." He steps out of the furs and his bare feet make contact with the cold floor. I step out too and shiver. I smoothen my dress out and watch Rickon walk over to me wobbily. He looked so tired. He grabbed his tunic and breeches and turned around blushing. I scan the tunic. Leather. It looked comfortable. The breeches too. Probably more comfortable than this dress. Oh. "Sorry! I'll go." "No Uh..just return quickly. You go change too alright?" He smiles I nod and head for the door. Shaggydog jumps off of the bed and next to Rickon, sniffing his hand. Once I leave i head to my room.

Summer child~Brandon Stark x ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu