Chapter 36- Winter is Here

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I feel very hurt by the events. If you do not want spoilers do not read the bold.
The Umbers betrayed Rickon and Osha and killed Shaggydog. That cuts so deep it hurts. Gods know what Ramsey will do to poor Rickon! Bran better save him in time...I doubt it THO. I hope Rickon doesn't die ;(;( and Jon Snow technically died so he left the nights watch. Gods know what he will do. Save Rickon! I sorta hope he is Lyanna's son by the popular thought of L+R=J bc then he can take Winterfell and save who is left of the Stark's!!

Arya's POV
I felt pretty honored to be like my Aunt Lyanna. But I hadn't heard that compliment since I was but a child. Why did Bran bring it up now? Nymeria whimpered as if sensing my unease. I wish father would talk about her. Jon and I both look much alike her. I feel like he is close to me that way. I don't know much though. All I've seen is from her statue in the crypt. The crypt was always cold and honorable for us. But the other day when I went down to see it, I felt as if someone was watching me. It was haunting. It felt like it could've been anything. A spirit or a being. A whitewalker even. It frightened me. But somehow I felt like it was also a family member. Brandon perhaps. Or even Lyanna. I shivered in revere and looked around the den. I had left Gendry up in his room. I cannot believe he came up here to the castle. Was he mad? I further couldn't believe how angry mother had been. Was it just because he was a bastard? Who did it matter? I glance to Bran. He's blushing. It took me a moment to realize why. I had teased my poor brother enough tonight so I decided to keep my mouth shut on the matter. Rickon squirmed and groaned uneasily. He was so antsy. He hugged Bran and laid his head on y/n's lap. He was getting a little big to be laying on them. Bran smiled at our little brother. Rickon pouted. When y/n didn't look at him he pulled at her dress. She opened her arms and he leapt into them, laying his head against her chest. Definitely too big for her. If he gotten any bigger it would have looked pervish even. She looked very tired. Rickon curled up on her and Shaggydog inched closer. I wanted to be a part of this. I scoot closer and end up sitting next to Bran. He smiles lazily and Jon sits beside me. Mother pays no attention to him. Y/n's eyes lull a bit. Why was she so exhausted? It wasn't like her. She tried to keep awake but weakly gave in and laid down. Rickon tried to cuddle with her half asleep form and bran held her hand. I felt almost jealous at the obvious love my brothers had for her but it was too heartwarming to be angry about. I should just be happy we are all together right now and safe. And by the gods WARM!

Rickon's POV
I am a frowner. Yes that must be it. I feel bad for thinking so but things haven't changed much since y/n came here. She's so kind yes. She carries me everywhere. But her breathing is all labored. Am I becoming fat? Gods please don't say so. I want to stay little I cannot do this. I always frown. Always. But I can't help any of this. I was feeling happyish. I got to sit in y/n's lap. But this past month or so of winter has been rough. I'm not sure what I could do. I avoided it all i truly did. But then..I saw her face. She was wincing in her sleep. Pain. She was in pain. From me sitting on her leg. For some reason that set me off again. And Shaggydog too. Shaggy started growling and getting frustrated. I wonder. I sigh and prepare to leave. I can feel it. I'm going to blow up again and no one wants to see this. I grab Shaggy's scruff and he drags me out of the room. I follow quickly. I hear footsteps follow. It is Osha. "What do I keep tellin you?" "I don't want to hear it." "You cannot be little forever." "I don't care." "Rickon." "Stop leave me be." "Rickon!" She grabs me. "LEAVE ME BE!" I shout. "Rickon...I understand alright? And I know you don't. Your childhood was practically robbed from you. I understand sweetheart. But you can't let that hold you back. You will be alright. I know you will. Give yourself time!" "No you don't understand!" "Rickon please calm down." I sobbed. I couldn't help myself, I sobbed. I fell to my knees and wept. I wept for everything I had in me. The child that was still there the adult that was forced upon me. The loses I had the abuse i endured the fate I couldn't overcome. I couldn't hold any of it in. It hurt. Only Osha would ever see me like this. And I wept. I remember once during the war i had a time like this. I couldn't hold any of it in. This boy my age and I had been fighting. Over loyalty and such. He punched me in the face and I almost killed him for it. When Osha pried me away Shaggydog did kill him. They almost killed Shaggy that day. and I knew I could trust no one. How old was i? Id lost track. Perhaps I could ask Bran. He'd know. Osha hugged me and lifted me with ease. I said nothing. I half wanted to hug her tight, half wanted to push her away.

Summer child~Brandon Stark x ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu