Chapter 1

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Levi's P.O.V. (I will at least attempt it.)

The sound of my alarm clock had woken me up it was about 6:00 AM. I got up, made my bed, and looked at my To-Do List. It was mainly about cleaning things. As I went to get some cleaning supplies, someone was knocking on my door. I knew already it was Hanji.

I open the door and she just walks in. "So, what's up today, Shitty-Glasses? And, why are you here so early in the morning?"
"I just came to talk, shorty." Hanji said, in a cheery voice.

"Tch, spit it out then." I said, a little angry that she called me shorty.

"Do you ever miss killing Titans?" She asked.

"Oh, so you remember now eh? But even though I was Humanity's Strongest, doesn't mean I liked killing them." I said.

"You remember too? Easier than I thought." She said, smiling.

"So are you here for any reason? Or just to talk about stuff like this?" I said.

"Actually, I came here to ask.. Do you miss Eren?" She asked.

"Why would you ask me such things? Of course I do!" I said, starting to look annoyed.

"Just tests to see if you remember your past life." She said, with a glare on her glasses.

"Ah, Shitty-Glasses is still testing, eh?" I say.

"It is what live for!" She says.

"Heh. Of course you do." I chuckle a little. "But have you seen Erwin around?" I ask.

"Ah yes! Eyebrows, I have seen him around. We talk everytime we come across each other. Mainly because he remembers." She said.

"Eyebrows and Shitty-Glasses, you two are very cute together." I say, smirking.

"Eh?! We're not like that!" She yelled.

"Alright alright. But I am thinking you should go now. You and I both have places to be I'm sure?" I ask.

"Wait! One more question! How do you think.... Humanity survived without us? Eradicating all of the Titans.." She asked.

"I-I don't know how they did it!" I said.

"Now I am going! Bye!" She said, leaving and waving goodbye.

"Quite an annoying, and long conversation.. Glad that's over with." I mumbled to myself.

Then I resumed cleaning.

~Time Skip~

After I was done cleaning, I decided I would go for a little walk.

During the walk, I saw three people.. They looked very familiar. Who were they?

A/N: Well, Chapter 1 (Or two, if you count the prologue as a chapter.) is finished! As said in the  description, this is my first Fanfiction. I'll keep trying to make more chapters. Like the story or not, I respect whichever!Also, I forgot to say it is now modern! Just a note. See ya!
-Just A Random Author.

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