5: roadtrip

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We quickly made our way back to the Impala before the police could show up and start asking questions. Every one who had been in the diner had cleared out and the blinds were drawn, so none of them could have seen the violence inside. There were some people in the parking lot, but luckily no one was paying much attention to us. The diner was a mess, tables were overturned, there was salt everywhere, and the demons' dead vessels were laying on the floor. We wouldn't have been able to explain it to the police.

The car rumbled to life as I shut my door, and Dean pulled out of the now empty parking lot. As soon as we were on the road Dean yelled, "What the hell were you thinking?!"

I had been waiting to be yelled at for not listening to them. "I was thinking that you guys can't help me if you're dead."

"You can't pull crap like that!" Dean knew I had saved them but he was still pissed, "It's stupid and reckless!"

Sam chimed in, "You could have gotten hurt. If you want us to help you, you need to listen to us."

"Listen," I argued, "you guys can't expect me to hide in a bathroom while you get crushed in an unfair fight. If you can't deal with me helping you when you need it then maybe you shouldn't be helping me."

Sam sighed, "No. We're going to help you, this is the kind of thing we do. But you have to understand that you were lucky back there. Most fights don't turn out that well and we don't want you to get caught in the middle. It's not-"

"Shit." Dean interrupted Sam's sentence. He slowed the car down until we were barely moving. The three of us stared out the window at the motel. There was a group of men and women surrounding my car and a few more knocking on all of the motel rooms. Demons.

Dean suddenly sped up, driving past the motel.

"WAIT!" I yelled, "We have to go back. Finn is still in the motel room."

"Hell no." Dean said, "I'm not risking your life and more importantly Sammy's life for a dog."

"Fine. Just let me out here and I'll go back alone." I tried opening the car door but it was locked.

"If you go back there, they'll kill you. Just get a new dog."

I feel panic swelling in my throat, "They're gonna kill Finn, I need to go back!"

"Would you just shut up and listen for once!" Dean yelled.

"I'll listen when what you're saying is worth listening to. I want my dog!"

Dean's face was getting hard as he responded, "We're trying to help you but you're making it so difficult!"

"Well maybe you shouldn't have agreed to help me then!"

He rolled his eyes, "You would be dead without us. You should be grateful!"

Just as I was about to respond I heard a strange sound like a bird's wings flapping against the air. I turned to face the source of the sound and I screamed.

Dean swerved the car and began swearing at me while Sam's wide eyes swung around to me.

"WHAT THE HELL?" I screamed as I scrambled to move away from the man who appeared in the car.

"THERE'S A MAN IN THE CAR!" I yelled at the two brothers who stayed calm like it was totally normal.

My extreme reaction to the man's sudden appearance seemed to drain Dean of his anger from the argument. He cracked a smile and said, "Yeah that's Cas. He won't bite."

The man turned to me and said, "I'm Castiel, an angel of the Lord."

Still shaken up, I whispered, "No friggen way."

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