Chapter 15

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Nandani why were you and Manik in the corner over there? What was he doing to you" Harshad asked.
"Nothing happened" Nandani said trying to smooth her hair and hold her shirt together.
"If it is nothing why were you shouting out then?"
"Nothing really happened, can I please go to my room now" Nandani begged and fled away.
"What the hell did you do to my sister?" Manik chuckled at how worried Harshad was.
"If you really want to know ask Nandani?" He said with a wink. Harshad had to get Nandani away from him.
Manik walked up to the house with smile on his face knowing that Harshad was shitting his pants.
Nandani had a bath and changed into a sleep shirt.
"Nandani can we speak?" It was Harshad, she opened the door and let him in.
"Jee Bhai" She said, she sat down on the edge of the bed and Harshad sat next to her.
"Nandani I want you to answer me truthfully, where did you go those days?"
"I went to see Navya" Nandani lied.
"I don't believe you, you are lying, please if you respect me as your brother just tell me you went away with Manik didn't you? Just tell me Nandani"
"No, I never go with him" The lie hurt her immensely as she said it.
"Just tell me the truth" Harshad grabbed her by her arms painfully.
"Please believe me bhai"
"If you lie one more time I will no longer consider you my sister" Harshad said, Nandani remained quiet as tears poured down her cheeks. Harshad let go of her.
He walked away and slammed her room door shut.
Nandani stood up and fell to the floor. How had her life come to this, She never lied to him in her life now because of Manik she had to lie so much. She could not tell anyone the truth for the truth would only hurt Harshad more than he is hurting right now.
Manik could not sleep, the thought of her preferring someone other than him annoyed the f**k out f him.
He went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. He could see Nandani pouring some into a glass. His thirst momentarily forgotten.
"Come with me to my room, we need to talk" He grabbed her wrist and tugged on her hand.
"Stop don't do things like this at home" Nandani said pulling away.
"I don't care"
Nyonika walked into the kitchen, she looked at them but said nothing. Nandani took that as an escape and ran away.
Manik went to his room and shut the door.
The table was empty that morning for breakfast Nandani sat down and dished out some food, Manik sauntered in and sat down next to her.
"How about I feed you?" He asked.
"No" Nandani said pulling her plate back.
"Do you want me to tell Harshad how many nights you slept in my arms" Manik exaggerated holding his arms out at her with a smirk.
Nandani let go of the plate and he dug a spoon in and held it to her lips. She turned her face away.
"Why do you always displease me, you know what happens when you displease me?"
He leaned into her as if he were going to kiss her.
"Stop it" She said looking around afraid of Harshad walking in.
"Will you eat or not from me? Don't be stubborn open open open" He said as if he were telling a child.
Nandani frowned and rolled her eyes at him.
"If you eat a lot you will grow" He told her waving the spoon at her Nandani opened her mouth and ate as he slowly fed her.
"NANDANI" Harshad said walking in.
"Why have you not gone to work yet?"
"I am going now" Nandani said picking her bag up.
Manik grabbed her wrist.
"Wait, did you not promise to let me feed you breakfast?" He told her smirking he loved it when a plan came through the look on Harshad's face was priceless.
"I never said that, don't assume things, I am going now" Nandani said.
"Nandani you should eat with Manik, his lonely nobody wants to have breakfast with him here, just think of it as giving a beggar a donation" Harshad jibed, he would not let Manik win.
"There are many people who would die to eat with me, it's just I am picky I only eat with good choices, that's why I chose your sister" Manik smirked.
"But I don't want to eat with you" Nandani said effectively pulling away and walking out the room. The smile on Manik's face fell and Harshad looked satisfied.
"Now I am satisfied" Harshad said.
Manik flung the plate of food at Harshad.
"Now I am satisfied" He mimicked and walked away.
Manik followed Nandani towards the entrance and grabbed her.
"You dare humiliate me infront of your brother"
"Let go of me"
"Yesterday it was with that florist today its with your brother, do you want to make me angry, you want to declare war on me?"
Dhruv who was standing at the door came forward and pulled Nandani away from Manik.
"Stay away from Nandani"
"Excuse me, you are in my house everything in my house belongs to me, She lives here so she is mine, what I do and don't do to her is my business not yours"
"Nandani is not yours"
"How do you know? Can you prove that she is not mine?"Manik said. Dhruv looked at both of them confused.
"What do you mean?" Dhruv said.
"I am not sure you can handle the truth if you knew it, a little boy like you who hangs on her every word would die on the spot if he knew the truth"
Dhruv lifted his hand to hit Manik but Nandani quickly stepped in.
"Please Dhruv lets go please" She said.
"Dhruv stepped back but said "If you ever bother Nandani again I will make you sorry"
Manik laughed.
"Acting like a knight in shining armor, one day you fall of the horse you ride" Dhruv ignored him and walked away with Nandani
A month uneventful, Holi came soon. Harshad had surprise planned for Manik. He could not wait to see his face when he would announce it. Everyone had a weak spot even villains. Manik would now not be able to hurt him in anyway soon Nandani would be gone far away.
Harshad would protect her.

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