The dinner

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**Lisa's POV**

     I was walking down our main hallway towards the steps to head upstairs and get Lauren and Dani,  when the doorbell rang. 

"I got it!!!" I screamed loud enough to be sure that all of the 12 other pairs of ears in the house could hear me. 

I walked to the door and opened it  up only to find Shawn at the door holding a pan covered with tin foil. Just Shawn, no mom or grandmother. Weird.

"Oh! Hey Shawn! Come on in! How are you?" I spoke in an overly enthusiastic tone. As I spoke I quickly stepped out of the doorway, so he could enter.

"Hi...Lisa, right?" Shawn questioned me as he stepped in side. I nodded my head in confirmation and waited for him to continue speaking. "Oh, okay great! I got it right. Anyways I'm great, thanks for asking. How about you?"

"I'm great as well! So where's the rest of your family?" I politely asked.

"Oh, right! About that, I think my mom called your parents to let them know, but my grandma and her completely fogot they had prior plans for tonight, so they just sent me. But they should make it over after dinner for dessert, and wine and stuff." Shawn quickly stammered out.

"Oh, okay that's great! We'll be able to get to know you better! Do you wanna head into the--" before I could finish my thoughts I heard foot steps rushing down the staircase. When I turned around I saw Lauren jogging down the steps with Dani trailing closely behind.

     I hadn't seen lauren since she dashed upstairs after she had gotten back home earlier. She seemed almost normal.  Her and Dani were both giggling as they made their way down the steps, and lauren was wearing an actual normal,  lauren outfit. I hadn't seen one of those since we had returned from tour. She was constantly in her pajamas or sweatpants since, then again she was in her room so much after tour I rarely saw her outfits anyways. Maybe her and Dani had talked everything out? I knew whatever this problem was it  couldn't have just gone away that quickly, but I won't start asking questions just yet. I like seeing her happy.

     I quickly put on a large grin and spoke up, "Hey Laur! Hey Dan! Look who's here!!!"

Once they reached  the bottom of the steps and saw Shawn both of their faces instantly split into glowing smiles.  huh. Weird. I know Dani usually smiles at anyone she sees, but lauren is usually more reserved when it comes to showing her emotions.

"Hey Shawn!" They both said in unison. I turned to face Shawn and noticed he was staring intently at Lauren, a slight smile creeping up the edge of his lips. He quickly snapped out of it when he noticed they were talking to him and  glanced around, but we all noticed it. 

"Hey! Dani, right?" He waited for a nod of confirmation from Dani before turning to face lauren, "Hey Laur...y-you look great" Shawn suddenly realized what he had said and quickly covered it up, "I-I mean like y-you look more rested...compared to your outfits really nice."

Shawns cheeks were now  the shade of a tomato, as he quickly glanced up at the ceiling to avoid eye contact with lauren. Lauren's face was completely flushed and she was staring intently down at the laces on her sneakers, with a slight smile etching onto her face. She didn't say anything.

I looked over at Dani who was also observing Shawn and Lauren, I could tell she was holding back from laughter. just then she glanced up at me and we exchanged weak smiles before bursting into silent giggles.

Lauren looked up from her sneakers and shot us stern glances.

After a few more seconds of awkward silence, lauren turned to Shawn And replied in a sweet tone, "Thanks Shawn. That's very sweet of you. Y-you look a lot more rested as well...that's erm...good."

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