She finds out

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**Lauren's POV**

I wake up to the smell of bacon and pancakes wafting through the air. A slight smile splits across my face for a mere second as I dart up from my bed, and make my way over to the bathroom in the hallway to get ready for the day. 

It's been a month since the dinner with Shawn, and I haven't talked to him since. He tried to get in touch with me for the first few weeks following the dinner, but I've somehow managed to avoid him. At this point I think he's given up on the idea of talking to me. I don't blame him. I would do the same if I were him.  Besides that's what I wanted. When I first met Shawn I was happy. I thought we could help fix eachother, but I realized after the dinner that  I was already too far gone for fixing. I would just be a burden for him. Like the guy told me that night, people are better off not knowing me. I'm just a wimpy little slut. Just a pretty face. Nothing more, nothing less. And I'm starting to think he was right.

I've been getting better at concealing my panic attacks and emotions from my family as well. I haven't flipped out on anyone, broken down, or cried in front of them. Sure I've locked myself  in my room as often as I can and have basically shut everyone out, but I think I've convinced them that it's just a phase in my life that  I'm going through.

Halfway down the hallway a hand taps me on the shoulder from behind distracting me from my thoughts, and I let out a blood curling scream. My heart feels as though it will  beat out of my chest, as I twirl around to face the culprit with my fists balled in the air. 

"Woah! chill you ugly! It's just me!" Dani yells through laughter.

That's when the flashbacks hit me all over again. His hands tapping me. Asking for directions to the bathroom. Forcing me out the back exit...touching me...forcing me to...

"Lauren! Lauren! Are you okay!?" Dani's concerned shouts pull me back into reality.

"Y-yeah. J-just don't sc-scare me like that again" I reply through gasps for air.

Suddenly I become fully aware of the position I am in. I am huddled on the ground, rocking back and forth with my knees pressed to my chest, and a steady set of tears streaming down my face. 

"Lauren. What the heck was that? Are you okay?" Dani asks concerned, as she bends down next to me.

I take a deep breathe and wipe the tears from my eyes, snapping myself back into reality.

"Yes. I'm fine, I told you! Just a little scared" I say in the most convincing tone I can conjure up.

"Laur, you need to tell me what's going on. You've been acting weird since the tour, and I'm worried about you" Dani pauses hesitantly before continuing, "I overheard your conversation with Shawn in your room...that night we all had dinner together."

"You what!?" A sudden wave of anger rushes over my body. Why was she eavesdropping on us?

"Look I'm sorry! But I was worried about you...and with good reason" she says motioning to my fetal position on the ground, "Who hurt you on tour? Talk to me. Let me help you."

"Dani! I don't need your help, and I don't want your help! What I need from you is to not tell anyone what you overheard that night, or what you just saw right now, okay?" I harshly snapped at her.


"What did you just say to me?" I asked shocked at her sudden confidence.

Suddenly Dani grabs me by the arm and drags me into her room. She shuts the door behind her and locks it.

"I'm not letting you leave here until you tell me what's going on with you!" Dani exclaims planting herself in front of her door, and blocking my exit.

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