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Hey everyone !!

So I bet all of you are wondering why I haven't updated in like three weeks or something so I think you guys deserve an explaination.

A couple days after uploading my last chapter my parents concretely decided that we are going to be moving. So basically I've been super duper busy with packing and going to look at houses and cleaning up our house and all that fun stuff on top of looking for a job and preparing for back to school.

But THANKFULLY as of two hours ago we have chosen our future home :) so we're waiting on the current owners to accept our offer and boring paperwork stuff but now that I don't have to worry about going out three nights a week for five hours at a time to look for houses I'm way less stressed.

Also, as it is for many high school kids in the world, I have started school again. This is taking up a lot of my time as well, and on top of that I FINALLY got a job! (yay me ! it only took me like two months of searching) So I just want to let you guys know that my life is super hectic right now, but I PROMISE PROMISE PROMISE that chapter six WILL BE UPLOADED by NEXT FRIDAY!! (September 16th).

I guess I just want all my fans and readers to know that I am NOT abandoning this story, it will just take me a little longer to update it until I have a routine back in my life.

I love you all ! Thank you for sticking by me and I *hope* you will continue to do so!

Tashaa xo

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