Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Cheat? You’re just jealous of my superior intellect.

“Straight A*s! How did you get bloody straight A*s?!” John exclaimed as he burst into the room. He’d just been to see Lestrade to compare results, finding that the other pupil had got almost all As apart from one B. John himself had gotten straight As, as a result of all his hard work studying. But Sherlock... Ugh, Sherlock... he had to get perfect scores in everything.

“It was simple,” Sherlock shrugged, turning around in his chair to look at John. “That is not the important matter at hand.

“Not important?”John continued to rant. “They’re our bloody-” Sherlock had stood, silencing John by placing a finger on his lips.

“Listen, John,” Sherlock spoke calmly. “James has got off with the thieveries without even a detention. It was him, that much is obvious. He even went as far as admitting it. Yet he went unpunished. In fact, he was rewarded! He got me in trouble yet got in none himself! Something is going on... This is part of the game.”

John frowned. Indeed there was something strange about all this. Sherlock must know something more. He had to. John was sure he did.

“What?” John queried, sitting down with result no longer on his mind.

“I don’t know!” Sherlock’s exasperation was so dramatic that John almost thought he was acting. No... to what end? He must genuinely not know anything.

“Calm down,” John’s was soft as he put a gently hand on Sherlock’s shoulder. Squeezed it slightly. Sherlock gave him a shaky smile.

“I need to think,” Sherlock murmured, falling onto his bed. Adopting his trademark thought position. John frowned worriedly before sitting at his desk. Rummaging through the clutter until he found what he wanted. The Game of Thrones, a thick tome that was a novel. John wished he had discovered the series earlier. It was wonderful. John was soon too engrossed in the book to notice what was going on around him. It wasn’t like he needed to...

This allowed Sherlock to sneak in, wrapping his arms around John and resting his chin on his shoulder.

“Good book?” The words fluttered into John’s ears, a light breath brushing it. He thought Sherlock was pondering over the recent development. Not that John was complaining.

“Very,” John turned his head to look at Sherlock. A soft smile flickered across his lips. The younger boy looked so... innocent. It was rather strange, in fact. He didn’t normally look like that. He usually hid his emotion. It was the vulnerable moments when John loved him the most.

“I’m not a fan of fantasy,” Sherlock murmured, moving his face closer to John’s. “I prefer more realistic fiction. Or Science fiction. Mysteries are entertaining purely because I can easily guess who it is.”

“A good detective novel never goes amiss,” John laughed warmly. “But I guess I have my own detective now.” The light blush that stained Sherlock’s face was sweet. John enjoyed seeing him getting flustered over compliments. When he was acting all uptight and pompous. Which was really just a mask. To hide his true feelings.

“You certainly do,” Sherlock smiled, small and genuine. John placed his hands on those well defined cheekbones before moving in for a gentle kiss. He smiled against Sherlock’s lips as the other boy relaxed. John turned around in his chair so he was facing Sherlock. The already taller boy was being forced to bend over even further than normal. It was rather amusing for John. But he decided to relieve Sherlock of some of his pain by slowly standing, lowering his hands from the gorgeous cheekbones to around Sherlock’s neck. Sherlock automatically locked his arms around John’s waist, pulling them flush together. The kiss was still slow, though, and rather sweet.

John broke it to stare up into Sherlock’s breath taking eyes.

“Damn it, you’re so good looking,” John whispered, unable to take his eyes away. There as that blush again. How had he gotten so lucky?

“Nobody’s ever said that before,” Sherlock murmured awkwardly. It was obvious that he had no idea what to say.

“Really?” John arched an eyebrow. “I can’t imagine why.”

The door was suddenly flung open, causing John and Sherlock to jump away from each other. Both turning bright red. But Lestrade hadn’t seemed to notice. He had come with a purpose.

“Sally and Anderson reported Sherlock for cheating.”


Author's Note

I'd just like to say that this is the last Johnlock kind of filler chapter. After this the plot really begins to move and the chapter's should once again get longer. Thank you, and hope you continue to enjoy this story :)

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