Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Permanent Destination

Sherlock’s eyes flickered open as the first rays of light filtered through the window. Seemed like they’d forgotten to close the curtains. It took a moment for his brain to register what the weight lying on him was. John. Sherlock smiled slightly, realising that his arms were wrapped around the other boy and their legs were tangled. He just let the peace of the moment flow through him. Once again closing his eyes.

Then it hit him. Today was the day. When he would put his plan into play. Who knew how it would turn out? Sherlock hoped he had planned well enough ahead. Or things could go seriously wrong.

“Morning,” Sherlock whispered into John’s ear as the blond yawned, stretching out slightly. Sherlock tried to push the terrible thoughts away as John sat up, smiling down at Sherlock.

“Morning, Sher,” John bent back down to kiss Sherlock lightly on the lips. Sherlock smiled back at him, colourful eyes watching John carefully.

“Ready for sports day?” Sherlock teased, smile becoming a smirk as John groaned.

“Can’t I just stay in bed with you all day?”

“I would love that too but you have events to win. And they would come looking for you. We can’t have that.” John frowned, nodding.

“No, we can’t.” Considering that the police were still looking for Sherlock. Which was a bit of a pain, to be honest.

Sherlock just lay there, watching John as he got up and got changed. Wow he looked good in sports shorts and a rather tight sport’s shirt.

“Well, I’ve got to go to breakfast,” John sighed, heading for the door. “Then sport’s day. See you later, kay?”

“Yeh,” Sherlock smiled, one that did not quite reach his eyes. Then John was gone. Sherlock lay in bed a bit longer, having all the time in the world. He wouldn’t set his plan into motion until much later. Mid afternoon to be precise.

Eventually Sherlock did get up, dressing in a purple shirt and black trousers. The rest of the day was spent in boredom. Pacing. Thinking. Playing with a blue rubber ball. Impatiently waiting. Then it came. Sherlock quickly pulled out his mobile and sent off a text to JM.

Meet me on the roof as soon as possible –SH

The reply came almost instantly.

I will be there –JM

Sherlock smiled slightly before standing. Pulling on his coat and scarf. Breathing in the smells of John still weaved into the blue fabric. Quickly making sure that he had everything he needed in his pockets. Then he headed out. Weaved through the corridors, up the stairs. He had discovered the route to the roof the day before. It was simple enough to find. In an empty corridor there was a trap door with stairs that could be pulled down. The door to the roof. Sherlock swiftly went up these, closing them behind him.

Music instantly bombarded him.

“Ah, ah, ah, ah, staying alive, staying alive.” Sherlock arched an eyebrow, colourful eyes flickering to the lone figure sitting at one side of the roof. Yes. He had been right about who James M had been. The boy looked up, hazel eye’s meeting Sherlock’s. A grin much like that of a wolf crossed his face and he shut off the song.

“Sherlock!” He stood, greeting him like they were old friends. Maybe they were. “Like the song? Staying Alive. The final problem, our final problem. So boring, isn’t it! Just... staying.” Sherlock watched him carefully, moving a bit closer. “It’s so boring! I needed distractions. You were the best distraction, Sherlock. But you’re just normal. Like all the rest of them. You worked out who I was, didn’t you?”

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