Find that girl

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Alexander Relph's pov...

I was returning from the site where AXR Housing Estate Ltd project is going. I was driving my black suv car. My driver takes leave today for his urgent work. Suddenly I saw a truck hit my car and my car was in the air with rolling and got the side of road. All these things happened within a second.  I remember seeing the lights of the truck right before it hit and then the impact, and smelling the hot rubber-engine smell and thinking the crash and the pain would not stop.  I finally ended up against a small tree. There was a lot of broken glass. The front of my car was completely crushed, but my airbag didn't deploy for some reason. I distinctly remember reaching over to the window and feeling the ground. Someone helping me and try to hold me but my head is paining so much and lots of blood is releasing. I can't even see clearly , I fell ground but realise my head is in her laps. I thought I might dead cause why angel in my side then. She has beautiful green eyes, flawless fair skin, silky brownies hair, adorable with innocent face. She got panicked to see me like this, she tried to keep me wake saying smoothing words. I can see tears in her eyes. Why is she crying? She even don't know me. I never thought someone going to cry in my death cause I have no family and close friends. I wanted to live to see her again. The darkness consume me and I don't remember anything.

When I woke up , I found myself is hospital bed. The nurse call the doctor. When doctor came , I saw him with my assistant Aric. Then I got to know that , I was unconscious for last 6 hours. My head is bandage , my leg also injured. But all I want to see my angel. I don't know if she was real or not. Maybe I was assuming the whole things.

Doctor said , I was lucky that I don't have that serious injuries but I need to get rest couple of days. Then he gave me a latter saying the girl who bring me hospital gave this to me. I was stunned to hear it. That means the angle is real! I start to read it.

"hi! Sorry I don't know your name. Today I realised, life is such a short. Anything can happen in any time. I got really scared to see you in blood. Doctor said to me that , you will be fine soon .Thank god you are out of danger now. But next time please try to be careful when you drive. When someone died, he or she not die alone but also left family in shattered. Your life can be more valuable to others.
Life is such a beautiful, why waste it like that? take care yourself ☺"

I read it again and again but got upset I don't even don't know her name. She didn't mention anything on latter. I really want to meet her again.

First time I feel , my life is valuable, there is someone who can worry about me, concern about me. I want to find my angel.

3 days passed, my conditions is recovering but still I had those bandages. Today I am releasing from hospital. But the angel not came to meet me. I can't forgetting her. Whenever I'm closing my eyes , I saw her. I really need to find her. Doctor said they don't know anything about her.

Month has passed.....

1 month has already passed and I am fully recovered. I am also start working in my new project. But I feel so empty. I never experienced this kind of feelings before. I have tried lot to find her but can't succeed. I hired a private directive Mr. Rocky wood. I made a painting of her from my memory so that's way I could see my angel. I gave a copy of that painting to Mr. Rocky and tell him to find her at any cost.

2days later Mr. Rockey told me that , he got her names from hospital paper. The day when she brought me hospital , she fill up those forms and sign her name on it. Her name is "Izabella Zane".

I murmur several times her names. I don't know what happened with me but I becoming crazy without her. Like my life depending on it. Am I getting totally obsessed about her? Why I care to see her again? Why I feel empty when practically i was always lived alone ? Why the wall I made surrounding my heart is melting for her? I really couldn't find these answers.

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