Chapter 2 The Blessed Hero

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"Listen up ya big hoax, this is how the ritual goes. There is another sword just like the one you have, right now you have a Brave Sword the complete set is called the Brave Swords." Lauren explained.

"So I have an insanely powerful sword, but what can it do?" Owain asked.

"Oh only grant you the power to control fire, summon a storm of needles, cut through anything, etcetera,etcetera." Lauren said lazily.

"Well then now I see why you wanted to kill me right then and there, I had a dangerous weapon." Owain said.

"Lucky for me you only had that one, the power is sealed until you get both." Lauren said in a relieving tone.

"Alright then, so how far is this altar to get perform the ritual?" Owain asked in curiosity.

"A couple hundred miles, so get ready it's gonna be a while." Lauren said.

Lauren and Owain trudged through the swampy marshes that awaited them before the altar. Battling monsters on the way and to Lauren's shock, Owain was holding up extremely well. They made their way to the altar at an amazing pace and with determination on their faces they ventured on.


"Damn that walk was insane, there are no card or bikes or trains here?" Owain asked gasping.

"What the heck are those, nothing like that exists here?" Lauren said confused.

"Ummm never mind then." Owain asked.

Eventually Owain and Lauren make it to the altar to perform the ritual.

The altar had old vintage walls with a complete painting of the Blessed Hero, and under it some sand. However what caught Owain's eyes was the writing on the walls. Collectively, they said the great hero must plunge one of the legendary blades and his heart would be tested.

"Now here is what you do, you stick your Brave Sword into the sand over there and then your heart will be tested, if your heart prevails you are the hero, if not you will die." Lauren said. "Basically what goes on is that your heart is tested by its strength and if it's not strong enough then it's game over. Lauren explained.

"Well I believe I am the Blessed Hero, so let's get this started.

Owain sits down in the middle of the altar and puts the sword in his hand. Lauren muttered to herself
"Well I guess he's brave for trying." And looked away as the sword sank and Owain's heart was tested. However, to her surprise Owain began to glow and both swords teleported to his hands. Owain then stood up but then immediately fainted due to the pressure of his heart being tested.

"Ugh what happened?" Owain groaned.

"I don't know how but you survived the rest and now you are deemed the Hero to save this world." Lauren said in disbelief. "That means.... sigh I am in service of you." Lauren said.

"Wait what you are in service to me?" Owain asked.


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TalesFromLuma out.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2016 ⏰

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