Chapter 1

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After life - chapter one


"Y/N!! My daughter! Happy birthday! Finally, you're 18! Aigoo my daughter has grown up so beautiful" your mother happily said.
"C'mon now! You will be late for school! Hurry eat your breakfast ^_^, here's our present for our beloved daughter! We hope you like it" said your father.

"Thank you omma! Appa!, I will go school now! ANNYEONG~" you said in a hurry, as you gave your parents a goodbye hug.

"Honey.. She's 18 now, we need to tell her she's marrying our friend son"
"Yes. Should we tell her today?.. But it's her birthday, I don't want to ruin her mood"
"Tomorrow. Let's tell her tomorrow."

*you arrived at school, by walking*

"Another day at school! I wonder what today will be like! I hope we do a quiz or test ^_^" you said happily.
(Btw.. Your character is like a innocent, cheerful nerd. But you don't look like one of those typically nerds who wears glasses.)

As you were walking to class, you were flipping through your notebook as you accidentally bumped into someone.

"Ouch! WATCH HERE YOUR GOING!" The boy shouted.
"Aissh! Move out of the way" he shoved you to the ground and stormed off.
"Is he new? Wow, he's so rude" you muttered, as you stood up and sweep off the invisible dust.
As you got to class. There was 10 minutes left until the bell would ring for class to begin. So, you took out a book you had just issued 2 says ago and started reading it.

*10 minutes later*

"Good morning students! As you know, homework is due today. So please, bring them to the front. Also, I would like to introduce you to a new student" said the teacher
*the student walked in*
"Annyeonghaseo, my name is Park Jimin." He said swiftly, eyeing everyone in the class. Until his eyes landed on yours. He glared at you with fire.

"Welcome to _______. Please go sit next to the empty desk, which is next to y/n" said the teacher, pointing the direction towards me.

As he approached his way here. He sat down, elbowing you purposely. "Trash." He whispered.
"I said sorry... What's your problem" earning a glare from him.


"Wait! Make sure if you haven't handed your homework in, please hand it now! I will be marking them so make sure you have handed it in. And y/n! Could you please show the new student around"
"Why me!" You said
"Are you talking back y/n! Show the kid around"
"... Follow me" you quietly said to him
"What" he cluelessly said
"IM HAVE TO TOUR YOU AROUND THIS SCHOOL SO HURRY UP AND FOLLOW ME!" You yelled at him because you lost your tempter. You could be at the library issuing more books but you have to help this jamless boy....

"Here's the bathroom, and if you walk to your left, you will see it's the nurse room... <blah blah blah>... HEY! ARE YOU LISTENING?"
"Yeah yeah yeah..." He said annoyingly as he was looking on his phone, not bothering to listen to you.
"YAH! New boy! You need to fix your attitude! You're so rude!!!"

"Yah? Ha.. Yah?? I bet I'm older than you. You look like you're 12."

"What did you say!"
"Aisssh, you're so annoying!, go to what ever you want to go, I will get someone else to tour me. You're useless"
After hearing that, you were filled with anger. You're tempted to murder him right now, but that would be jam abuse so you tried to stay calm and headed to the library for some peace.
It's been 20 minutes since you left that boy hanging. But you didn't care, it's better for you to read than waste time talking to someone who is rudely pathetic.
After reading many books, you badly needed to go bathroom so you quickly headed to the closest bathroom. As you entered the bathroom, one of the stall was opened and... What you just witness made your eyes burn so bad.
You.. You saw the new boy, making out with someone in that stall. You instantly ran out of the bathroom and found another bathroom. You had to go purify your eyes because what you just saw almost made you blind.

After lifeWhere stories live. Discover now