Chapter 2

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"Susan?" No answer, great. One by one, I remove the turkeys from the freezer trying to remind myself that i'll be 18 and out of here by anytime. I was about to pull out the last turkey, but I saw something sparkly sticking out of its cavity. Inquiringly, I yank it out and see a small pouch. Hmm. Running the knotted strings under hot water I attempt to knock off some of the freeze. Using my unknotting skills ( the only thing I learned from Girl Scouts), I untangle the knot of the small bag, opening it was like entering a whole other world. I slowly remove the object, woa-, my mom walks in.

"Um hey mom...," I don't know what this thing is but I don't want Mom to know I've seen it.

" What are you doing in her Gina? I leave for a few minutes and you try to destroy my kitchen?"

"What do you...," I survey the room," Oh." The apples in our plastic bowls were rolling on the ground; the mail we kept by the windowsill was everywhere, though the window was shut; one of the turkeys had fallen, and the whole kitchen was a... mess.

"Yaa know what madre, you can go... I gots this." My mom gives me a confusing stare so i mouth the word 'go' and she leaves. I look over at my hand to make sure the little pouch is still there. It's not. It's gone.


It's morning time, I make an attempt to close the blinds but I just end up falling... great. Hopping into the shower, I start to think about what happened yesterday, about the pouch. It had a color, I just couldn't describe it , it was like a blue,but a purple, a red, but a green; it was as though the pouch was a mix of feelings. Walking out of the bathroom, I decide not to say anything, to my Mom, to my friends, to anyone. I was about to grab by bookbag from the foot of my bed when I saw something on my dresser, the pouch, taking a few steps near the bag I think of nothing other than grabbing the back and leaving the house.

"Bye Mom."

" You're leaving without any shoes," she calls from the good as... good kitchen.

" No...," I make my way back inside the house, and walk out with my new pair of boots. Halfway down the long way to school, I stop walking realizing I had forgotten my math books and that I have an annoying Favero in my future. Maybe I should go ba-

" Ugh, Maybe you should watch where you're going." I don't even have to look up but I can tell who it was- Mrs. Prick, her voice sounded as fake as her boobs.

"Maybe you could go for less silicone next time."

"Well maybe you could take walking classes," just because i'm clumsy doesn't mean I can't walk.

" Just shut up, besides what are you doing here anyways, school is that direction," I said pointing out the school just a couple blocks away.

" I never knew it was any of your business." And with that she walked past me as though the chipped sidewalk was her runway. Sheesh.


I arrive at school with a chip in my shoulder, and a limp in my walk, probably because I didn't do any of my homework, and I was regretting, a lot. A few minutes before the bell signaling 1st period I run into Astrid and she lets me copy her math homework. Thank God. As I said I left my math book at home so I pulled out my book it wasn't like a diary or anything but it was... um nothing, never mind; I took out my book that could dub for a normal notebook ( as it was one) and I copy down her work and make a mental note to scratch out the angry Favero.

"Ring!Ring!Brrringg!" called out the bell, in a haste I grab all of my books, and bump into 3 people before making it to class. Maybe I do need walking lessons.

"Or maybe not!" Wait what??!!! Who is reading my mind??

"You know you can't do that."

" Well I don't see a law telling me I can't." I look over wondering what in the world was going on. I take a quick glance not wanting to seem nosy, but I couldn't see much except for sandy blond hair and soft chestnut locks. Ugh, Josephine, what can it be now. There was a huge crowd as Josephine and Evan were the couple and there was a heated argument. I got a few feet closer.

"If you do, I'll tell everyone," Josephine dashed back, obviously angry. This couldn't get any better.

"Tell them what?"

" You know what I mean."

" Oh so you want to tell everyone I'm gay." Dayyumm, didn't see that coming. It's always the cute guys, always. the crowd was silent, and even Josephine was lost with words, that probably wasn't what she wanted to say.

" Well then I guess it is over," with that she walked down the hall, her steps clapping against the tiled floor with a hint of sadness rather it's usual sass. Oh well... .

"What is going on here!" Wtf Favero, this isn't even the floor you teach on... THE MATH ROOM IS 1 FLOOR DOWN!!! 1 FLOOR DOWN!

"Get to class, all of you!" I guess there was an annoying Favero. Astrid and I dash up the stairs already being 8 minutes late to class.

" 9 minutes late yet you two are the first to get here."

" Second actually Mrs. Jones."

" Oh yes Albert, second." I survey the classroom realising no one except for Astrid, Albert, Mrs. Brown and myself were there. Oh.

" Sorry."

" It's okay, I mean after all, your time left Albert and I some time to talk about the zodiac and how interesting it really is." Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, ooo I crave em all. And with that, the rest of the class filed in. Everything always happens on cue here.

"Ok everyone, get into your seats, sit anywhere today," with a slight cheer of confusion, everyone sat next to their friends, except for Albert- I guess he had none.

"Where is Justin," I Astrid ask in a not so whisper voice.

"Well here he is now," Mrs. Jones announced as though I asked her. On cue once more.


Ahh... Finally posted

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