chapter 9 First Day

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"Babe wake up" A soft voice said. "It's 5:40am we let you sleep a little but it's time to go set up" Ricky said. I opened my eyes and rolled out of bed. "Here's a towel, if you want hot water I'd take a shower now" He said handing me two soft black towels. Grabbing my bag I made my way into the small bathroom. I turned on the shower and striped my self then jumped in.

Not long after I got out and got dressed in spiderweb Stocking's a black skirt, shoes and my MIW shirt that I cut into a crop top. It was about 6:15am when I was finished so I quickly grabbed a naked juice from the mini fridge and headed out. Once I made it to the back towards the trailer Josh the tour manager was waiting for me."Okay Aurora all the boxes labeled in green are the boxes you need to unpack onto that trolley, they are full of the merchandise. Next you'll need to unpack the table and back board to display all the shirts" He explained. "Got it" I replied. "Today Chris and Ricky already set up the table and back board so all you need to do it load the boxes on the trolley then set up all the merchandise come find me when you're done and I may or may not have something else for you to do"  Josh said then walked away. I didn't take me long to get all the boxes on the trolley but once I did I pushed it inside and started to set up.

15 minutes into set up

It was too quite so I walked over the the little DJ booth and grabbed the aux cord, plugging it into my phone I played HIM  thorough the large speakers. "Who ever is playing this I love you!" Ricky shouted before walking around the corner. "Oh well I already do love you" he said wrapping his arms around my waist placing hundreds of kisses all over my face making me blush. "Riccckkkyyyy we gotta finish setting up" I said. "Alright my little tiger" he replied " tiger?" I asked curiously. "Well we some times call Roars and tigers roar sooooooo two plus two equals four" he explained before kissing my lips a quickly then walking away. "His little Tiger" I mumbled to myself. with a wide smile plastered upon my face I got back to work.

It's now 7:50 and we are about to head out for breakfast, the sound check and meet and great it at 12:35 - 1:30 ish depending on how many people show up, so we decided to get a quick bite to eat at IHOP first. "Alright guys you know the drill keep your heads down as we walk if you wanna have time to eat we have to walk past main roads and there could be fan's and we don't have time to stop for everyone one, just a couple" Josh said. We all put up our hood and walked in twos. It felt like we where in a music video, people where staring, some even took pictures, but all in all we made it to Ihop safely. "So tell me your orders and I'll tell the kitchen, I called a head saying we had VIP and needed food asap" Josh said while taking down people's order. "Thanks Josh your awesome" Balz said, we where all hungry. He then asked me what I wanted and it was just pancake's and orange juice. The waiter sat us at two tables pushed together so it could fit all of us. "So you like in the tour life so far?" Ryan asked. "Yea so far it's fun" I said rubbing my hands together. "It took me a few weeks to get adjusted but it gets easier" he said. For a while we all just talked and waited for our food. Ricky's phone went off, he had a phone call. "Hello? Yea she's here, send her out? okay, bye" he said into the phone. "Hey babe there a surprise for you outside". I turned and looked out of the big wall window to see my best friend standing there with a big grin. "Oh my god!" I stood and started to run out of the packed restaurant, everyone was staring by the time I got outside. "SAM!" I yelled running into her arm's. "I missed you even though it's been only like a day" Sam said as I nuzzles my head into her neck. I turned and looked into the restaurant and everyone was looking as all the boy's were cheering. "Get some!" Chris shouted. "Aw man, we better get inside" I said. "Yea let's go" Sam responded.

We all ate and had good conversations until it was time to head back to the venue. "So how've you been?" Sam asked as we trailed behind the guys. "so far I've been okay, the talking to strangers is kinda getting easier" I said. "Ricky told me about your panic attack, are you okay? You don't have to stay, the guys told my if it gets to hard we can get you back into therapy and get you some meds to calm your nerves" She said. "I'll even take your place at the merchandise table" She added. "Don't worry Sam I'll be okay, it will take a lot of courage but I can do it" I reassured her. "Come on slow pokes we gotta get there before the line gets to long and we can't make it inside!" Vinny yelled. We started so jog towards the group of men in black. Ricky grabbed my hand as we turned the corner. The street was lined with Girls and boy's out side of the venue. "Alright now some will come over and if its too much you can leave and get ready for the m&g" Ricky said kissing my cheek. "Look!" An anonymous person shouted pointing at us "Its Motionless In White!" About 15 kids come running as we walk across the cross walk. "Okay only a couple" Josh said. "Ricky can I get a picture?!?!" People were shouting and taking pictures. He was right, I needed to get inside. "Hey babe I'm gonna head inside" I said. He kissed my lips then I hurried inside. "Awwwww is she your girlfriend?!" Someone shouted. I walked inside to quickly to hear anything else. The meet and greet was only 20 minutes away so I quickly put up the MIW VIP banner and got all the bags and posters together. No one was inside yet so I had to pass out the bags for the VIP kids. "Okay you can do it" I said to my self. I slid the bags on both arms and grabbed the clip board that had all the names of the people that bought VIP tickets. Opening the door the excited people cheered and chatted. "Alright everyone get in a single file line from VIP and general admission!" I said using my big voice. Everyone got quite and followed instructions. The guys started to walk over towards the front door. "The side door was locked" Ryan said walking in. "Hey you alright? Need anything? Ricky said as the rest of the boys walked inside. "Yea I'm alright just maybe some water?" I said. "No problem be right back" he said kissing my cheek. Awwwww and oooooos were shouted around. "Alright as I pass out the VIP bags keep them in my line of sight so we know your VIP!" I shouted. "Kitten!" I heard someone whisper from behind. I turned to see Ricky half inside half out side with a water bottle. I walked over as d grabbed it. "Kitten? I thought I was a tiger?" I asked. "Well your tiny and kitten's can't eat me alive" with that said he slipped back inside, rolling my eyes I continued passing out bags.

After the meet and greet the fans headed back out side, I helped get the guitars tuned and ready, we're playing at 11:45pm ish because we have like 5 opening band's so we have lots of time but I have to be at the merch table the entire time. "Hey babe come here!" Ricky shouted. I jumped on stage and walked back stage. "Ricky?" I said. I walked down a narrow hallway an someone pulled me into a small room. "Shhh it's just me" Ricky said. "Wow OK what are you doing?" I asked. "Shhh" he said then started kissing my neck. "Ricky, w what about the rest of the band?" I shuddered under his touch. "There all getting ready, shhhh" he said. He slid his hand's up my shirt and groped my breasts then attacked my lips with his. He then expertly unclasped my bra and dropped it on the floor, I grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head only breaking the kiss for a second. Ricky lifted me up and placed me on the little counter pushing whatever that was on it off. He pulled of my pants and ever so slowly kissed my breasts.

After the.... Ya know (there will be more smut but the girl who Wright's it for me can't at the moment)

After the guys where done getting ready they sat back stage until there set and I was stuck at the merchandise table, at least I got a good view of the stage. About 10minutes into there set Sam walked up to me and said she would take over for the rest of the night. "Thank you so much Sam!" I yelled as I walked away. "No prob!" She shouted back. I weaved my way through the crowd at the side of the venue and made it to the baracade and showed the bouncers my all access pass. The big tall one grabed my hand and helped me over, while telling the fans to back up a bit. I walked over and opened the door that led backstage, but before I was able to even walk ten feet I heard a loud screams and the crowd completely flip out. "Ryan!" I heard someone yell. Immediately I ran back out and Ryan had fallen, clutching his arm. The boys had stopped playing and the bouncers had cleared a path for a ambulance. "What happen!" I asked Chris who was examining his arm "he slipped on the water from Kylie's water gun and fell" he explained. Men with a gurney came in an lifted him onto the bed. Josh left with them. "So do we keep playing?" Vinny asked. "Where down one Guitar player, we can't" Chris said getting back on stage along with the guy's. He grabbed the mic and started to speak. "Ryan will be okay its only a sprain from what we could see, but we won't be able to continue, I'm truly sorry" before he could finish I hopped on stage and walked to Chris. "Hey, I know all the Guitar parts, maybe I could fill in until he's better?" I asked. "Holy shit yea you are a life saver!" He said hugging me. "Don't worry we have a amazing person to fill on for Ryan this evening, give it up for Aurora!" Chris shouted. The stage manager and guitar tech set me up and we started the show back up with the song hate fuck.

"Good night Scranton!!!" Chris shouted. As we walked off stage. You were amazing Aurora! " the guy's complemented me. " thank you guys, it's WAS a great show" I admitted.

Thank you all for reading! New chapters soon, and sorry for hurting Ryan! But it's apart of the plot and big things happening soon, don't forget to vote and comment your feedback! Thanks again!

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