chapter 5 A day with the boys

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I woke up feeling warm hands on my stomach. I instantly remembered last night, I didn't want to move, my face in his chest, his arms wraped around me. Looking at his face for the longest time made me smile but soon his eyes fluttered open. "Good mourning" Ricky said licking his lips and smiling. I simply smiled back and stared into his eyes, we slowly got closer and closer, millimetres away, his eyes flickered down to my lips and back up to my eyes, asking for permission. I slowly nodded and instantly placed his lips on mine. I feel as if time has stoped and nothing else mattered. it's all moving so fast but who cares. He grabed my face and Kissed me slowly. He started kissing down my jaw, and down my neck making me gasp. I run my fingers in his hair but Sadly, the door bell rings making us stop. "I better get that" he said kissing my lips and jumping up to get the door. I sit up fixing my hair. "Hey ricky you ready for practice? I think Chris said. "Shit yea sorry I for got I'll be there in a second". Ricky said. He walking back and grabs my hands. "Hey I forgot I told Chris and the guys that we would practice at his place you wanna come? He said smiling. I've noticed he always smiles when he talks to me."Yea sure"

At Vhris's

I sat and watched the boys play, it was like a mini concert just for me. All I could think of is how fast things where moving, First "hey I'm Chris this is my band" next "yo this is my guitar player Ricky!" then "Hi im Rick lets make out on my couch". I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't even notice they stoped playing. "Hey you guys wanna watch scary movies?" Chris asked. "Hell yea!" and "woops!" where shouted around the room. The boys walked into the kitchen and I grabed my phone to text Sam
A: HEY I'm at Chris's place with the guys wanna join?
S: omw already Chris invited me, Ryan-Ashly and kiley (idk how to spell her name) are coming to!
A: Awsome! See you soon!
I slid my phone in my pocket and stood up. "Hey Roars! Come here!!!" Balz shouted from the kitchen. I walked in and see beer and snacks every where. "Where's the fire! Who's dieing!?!" I said jokingly waving my hand as if i was panicking. "Haha very funny, but me Ryan and Ricky want to play rock band wanna join?" Balz said siping his beer. "Hell yea! Let's go!" I turned and ran into the living room jumping on the couch. I lost my footing and fell, bracing my self, I shut my eyes and prepared for impact, but it never came I opened my eyes to see Ricky's beautiful eye's, Wait? Did I say beautiful? Nevermind. "Thanks" I said flabbergasted. "Don't thank me yet" he said with a devilish grin. Next thing I know im thrown over his shoulder and being spun around. "RICKY PUT ME DOWN IM DONNA FALLLL!" I screach "NOPE" He said. Ricky stoped spinning anyways and lays me on the couch. "Come on, lets play" Ryan said.

About 30 mins later

"HA I WON" I yelled. "Only by 1%" Ricky said."still I'm the queen of rock band!" I exclaimed giving him a friendly arm punch, he replied with a half harted laugh and flicking my leg. "Welp, im gonna go say hey to the girls" I said standing up. "Fill in for me Chrissy" I handed Chris the guitar and started walking into the kitchen. "BUT I SUCK AT THIS GAME!" Chris yelled. "Don't pout bean poll". I said turning around then leaving again. "HAHAH SHE CALLED YOU A BEAN POLL CUZ UR TALL" Vinny yelled laughing. I shook my head and sighed, boys will be boys. "Hey girlys" I said. They where sitting at the table drinking beer and talking. "Hey Roars join the party!" Sam said handing me a beer. I grabed it taking a swig. We all sat and
Talked about random stuff like boys and all that jazz. "Soooo Roars, you and Ricky? I heard you where at his place this morning when Chris stoped by". Ryan-Ashly said lifting her eyebrow. "Oh, you heard about that? We where just hanging out last night and fell asleep, nothing more". I said nervously taping my fingers. "Well, if nothing did happen... Then do you like him?" kiley said smirking. Do they know somthing I didn't? "Why do you ask?" I said trying to avoid the question, because it's kinda true. "Just asking" she said droping the subject. We talked for a little untill Vinny came and told us we are starting a movie. I stood up and walked into the living room. Everyone was getting settled on the couch or the floor and I took the small ish love seat. Ricky came in the room with a big boul of popcorn and was looking around for a place to sit. He made eye contact with me and smirked. Ricky walked over and sat on my lap wiggling around untill he was sitting on the chair and his legs where on mine. "You guys good?" Sam said giggling. "Shut up" I said quietly chucked a pice of Ricky's popcorn at her and looked at the screen as the movie started. Ricky reached over me and pulled the handle making the leg rest part of the chair come up. It made a loud bang making me laugh once. Ricky nudged me with his arm, I grined and hit his leg. He flicked my leg and placed his hand on my thigh then put the empty popcorn on the floor. I leaned into him and stared at the screen not really watching the movie, I was more focused on Ricky's hand. So warm like a heat pack. I shivered and he looked at me. "You cold?" He whispered. "A little" I whispered back. He pulled the blanket off the back of the chair and placed it on us wraping his arms around me. I leaned my head on his chest, ever so slowly drifting off to sleep.

thanks for reading more chapters to come! I try to make them 1000 words or more so it's gonna take some time to wright and school takes up alot of time but chrismass break it coming soon so ill have lots of time to wright! Also im trying to make them a little longer but the chapters will come out later.

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