They're Coming Creeping From the Corner

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~Reader P.O.V.~


The soft humming of the ruins was lolling me to sleep. I stared at the ceiling, happy with my new life. I was afraid when I had first fallen, but Toriel had taken me in. She was patient with my speech problems, or lack there of, and gave me my own room. It even had a bed! I sighed contently and let myself give in to the drowsiness.


~Third Person P.O.V.~


The house was asleep. The ruins themselves seemed to be resting, for no sound could be heard throughout them. But one problem occurred. Four skeletons were creeping through the house, looking for a certain goat-lady who just happened to be the ex-queen.

"We'll find her faster if we split up." Gaster!Sans spoke, his voice deep and dark as ash. "Are You Sure That 'The Great Sans' Should Be Participating In Such Actions As These?" Underswap!Sans replied, his normally loud and cheery voice heavy with sorrow and indecision.  "We told you already, nerd.  If your not with us, you're against us. And you know what we're going to do to the people against us."  Underfell!Sans snapped, his short-temper at its limit.


Undertale!Sans glanced at them, not bothering to tell them he already knew where her room was.  He didn't agree with this but he couldn't go against his brothers.  He also didn't want to be there when they...  He didn't want to think about it.  "I'll go this way." He spoke, his comedic voice shallow of emotions, as he turned the opposite direction of Toriel's room. "I will go with you, dearest brother." Underswap!Sans mumbles, hurrying to Undertale!Sans' side.


The two remaining brothers looked at each other. They exchanged knowing looks, and began to walk through the hallway that lead to Toriel's bed room. Passing several doors, the two never failed to open and check every room. Until they came to a locked door. The two smirked at each other. Gaster!Sans put his hand on his hip as Underfell!Sans licked his sharp teeth.

"I'll check it out." Gaster!Sans smirked, claiming the right to scan the room first. Underfell!Sans groaned, his prize snatched away from him before the competition even started. "Fine." He grumbled, unhappily following his oldest brother's order.


Gaster!Sans snapped his fingers, automatically manifesting on the other side of the locked door.  He looked around the dark bedroom.  It seemed more suited to a kid than an ex-royal.  He could see a lump on the bright pink bed, and slowly creeped over to the corner of the bed.  The lump under the covers seemed too small to be a grown queen.  But if this wasn't Toriel's room, who's room was it?

As far as the kingdom knew, both of the royal children had died.  Had she cheated on Asgore? Who was this mysterious person in the queen's home?  Gaster!Sans slowly creeped back to the locked door.  He decided that he would come back after they took care of Toriel.  This new child (or at least he assumed it was a child from the size of the lump) was too mysterious to be left here.  It intrigued him so much that he didn't realize that he hadn't checked what his brand new mystery looked like until it was too late.


Underfell!Sans was becoming impatient.  It had been minutes and he hadn't heard any screaming or crying or anyone begging for their life, so he was assuming that it wasn't Toriel's bedroom.  So what was the god damn hold up!  Suddenly, Gaster!Sans was materializing in front of him once again.  "What was in the room?" Underfell!Sans asked gruffly, trying not to cuss out his older brother.  The only brother he truly respected. "Nothing important...  For the moment at least."  Gaster!Sans replied, keeping his new found mystery to himself.  This find was too interesting to share.  He, also, didn't want to distract his violent brother, because he knew that Underfell!Sans would want to deliver the final blow to a certain goat-lady who used to rule over them.

"Not important... Yes, the mysterious room that you disappear into for almost ten long f***ing minutes is definitely not important!" Underfell!Sans began to yell at the older of the two skeletons standing in the hallway, his patience for the day completely dried up. Gaster!Sans glowered at the younger skeleton, not used to being told off by the brother who practically worshipped him.  "Who do you think you are?" Gaster!Sans growled, his anger taking over. As his eye began to develop a golden glow, Underfell!Sans desperately tried to backtrack, knowing that he could never win a fight against the eldest of the four brothers. "Wh-whatever, nerd! Why should I care any ways? Let's just turn the old hag to dust and leave these ugly ruins." Underfell!Sans stuttered, fear lacing his voice as he turned and continued down the hallway.

Gaster!Sans huffed in annoyance as Underfell!Sans avoided the fight.  Just as well, he should at least put that violence towards something more proactive.  Such as the murder of Toriel.  A feat they were seconds away from accomplishing.


"Dear brother of mine, are we doing the equitable thing by not stopping our treacherous elder brothers?"  Underswap!Sans begged for nearly the hundredth time. "I keep trying to tell you... We can't fight them." Undertale!Sans shrugged, growing more and more depressed as he was forced to abandon his only friend that genuinely liked his puns.

Underswap!Sans shuddered in sadness, he could do nothing to stop this senseless murder. Their brothers, supposedly, had a plan, and he was unable to stop it.  Undertale!Sans looked into Underswap!Sans eyesockets/pupils and sighed.


They had found the bedroom.  Toriel laid sleeping in the bed, as two rotting skeletons looked down at her.  Underfell!Sans smirked and began to reach for the sleeping woman.  It would all be over soon.



Sorry for the lack of "you" in the chapter. I just felt like I needed to first get a feel on the character of the four skeletons. Papyrus will be added in later. Thank you for reading my Fanfiction!


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