Street Fight

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1.I went to a mostly hispanic dance club in Arlington. The guy at the door was a total dickwad. He tried to have that tough guy look on his face, as he patted down people entering the place. After checking out the inside for about 30 minutes, I figured that the place was a dud. Pretty much every good looking chick in there was already with her boyfriend, which I always thought the allure of a club was to meet other people.

My mind was out the door, so I untucked my shirt, and unbuttoned it, exposing my wifebeater shirt underneath. This absolutely infuriated some of the bouncers there, because I had some muscle definition, and they were basically a bunch of fat Mexicans. One bouncer came to escort me outside, and I was happy to oblige, because the place was dead anyway. But for some reason during the walk, he started bringing me out of the back door instead of the normal front entrance.

Before I realized it, a group of fat Mexican bouncers rushed me, and stretched me out face up across a pool table, like Jesus Christ himself. As four of them were holding me, a fifth guy was enjoying free punches to my face. Luckily for me, another bouncer came over, and he told them that I had enough, and escorted me out the back.

I walked back around to the parking lot in the front, and I was actually proud of myself. I took a handful of punches from a defenseless position, and I wasn't even hurt. All I had was a slightly bloody lip. I think that's really f---ed up for 5 people to bumrush one person, but I keep a little something up my sleeve if s--- like this ever happens again ;)

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