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Lets here your fight stories - your first fight and other epic fights

maybe someone got some good ones to tell

Mine sucks but ill start

well i was talking wid some buddies when someone kicked an empty coke bottle towards us. I picked it up and threw it in the bin.
He walked up to the bin and looked at it (like he was ganna get the bottle out the bid)
i said to the guy go on get the bottle out ur house (was at school so kinda crappy insults work)

He walked up to me was like wtf you saying. Say that to my face - upon which i said it to his face. Now at this point he started pushing me - figured do i fight or let it go.

Guy was taller than me and had the reach - and was a few inches shorter but better built, figured i had the strength.

So he pushed me for the second time and i was right im ganna get in there first - threw a right hook and grabbed his shirt with my left hand. Upon which i threw multiple right hooks and jabs.
20 Secs later he was on the floor


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