Chapter 2 ~ Justin

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Chapter 2 ~ Justin  

My date with Roxanne went okay. But, I was totally wrong on her being “The One,” I mean, god, what was I thinking? I took her out to eat and she didn’t even eat at all. Now I know where she gets her hot bod from – it’s from starving herself. And, I like a girl who knows how to eat. I mean, Caitlyn always eats around me. But, then again, it’s a little different because Caitlyn and I are just friends. Also, Roxanne was too clingy and touchy feely. The whole time she was playing footsie under the table. I mean, c’mon, I’m trying to eat. Plus, I didn’t even get one word into the conversation. It was all about her. Like, I know girls like to talk and all (and I should know, Caitlyn talks enough to communicate for the whole mute population), but not every word coming out of a girl’s mouth should be about her.

Whatever, I admit that I was dumb. And yes, I know, I should go apologize. But, I don’t have to do it right this second; I mean, I first have to get her favorite pizza pie. Oh, and a helmet. Just in case.  

I open my window (which happens to face her room) to warn her that I’m coming. But, then I stop myself, because I see she’s pacing. She’s either thinking or pissed. And I know Caitlyn, and when she’s pacing, you do not want to bother her. So, I wait. A long time. In the meanwhile, I get undressed, get comfortable, and relax - which includes me wearing nothing but my boxers and reading a guy magazine full of hot girls. And while I’m waiting, I decide to think of another girl to date. Hmm…Nikki Green might be a possibility. She’s hot, she’s bitchy, and she’s the perfect height. Perfect for a guy like me!  

Then, I hear the door open downstairs. Maybe I should put something on incase there’s, I don’t know, company. Nah, whatever, its probably just Angela getting picked up by her boyfriend, Scott (which happens to be Caitlyn’s brother and my dream older brother. I would definitely trade Angela for him – he’s the coolest. But don’t tell Angela that).  

Anyways, Nikki Green, hmm-  My door opened. And who else but Caitlyn is standing right there, with her mouth to the floor. Well, this is embarrassing.  

“Um, ever heard of knocking?” I said, and jumped off my bed, grabbing anything in my reach that I could use to cover myself, and running into my bathroom.   And then I was pacing in the bathroom. I cannot believe Caitlyn just saw me naked. Okay, not naked, I had boxers on (luckily they weren’t the embarrassing ones mom got me with the hearts and…oh, never mind), but still. This will totally ruin our relationship! I mean, did you see her face? It was bright red! Probably because of my awesome abs and muscles that I recently developed after puberty (which I was kind of scared to get at first, you know, because of the whole voice changing and awkward things that happen, but honestly, it was the best thing that could ever happen to me!). If only I had the privilege to see her – wait what am I saying?!? I’m thinking of Caitlyn, MY BEST FRIEND! Okay, okay, calm down Justin. I mean, if Robbie, my best guy friend, saw me without a shirt on, it would still be cool between us. Nothing would change. Yeah, and Caitlyn is my friend too so I’m sure its nothing. She was probably just shocked but she’s probably over it by now. Yeah, nothing to worry about, Justin. Breathe in, breathe out and repeat ten times.   Well, after my whole debacle in the bathroom, I got dressed and finally had the courage to face Caitlyn again.

“Hey, Cate, do you mind running over to your house, and grabbing some floss, I’m kinda running out,” I said, fully clothed now.  

“What! Floss? I just saw you naked and that’s all you can think about now?” Caitlyn asked in astonishment, getting up and putting her hands on her hips. I love it when she does that. It’s so cute. Ugh stop, Justin, stop!  

“Well I’ll tell you. At first when I was in the bathroom, I kind of was freaked out, you know a little. But then I remembered you’re my friend, and if let’s say Robbie saw me without a shirt on, he wouldn’t care. So why should it make a difference if you see me without one?” I said, laughing as I jumped on my bed, and picking up my magazine and continue reading it.  

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